Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 3/22/2024

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Initializes a sparse FIR filter structure.


IppStatus ippsFIRSparseInit_32f(IppsFIRSparseState_32f** ppState, const Ipp32f* pNZTaps, const Ipp32s* pNZTapPos, int nzTapsLen, const Ipp32f* pDlyLine, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippsFIRSparseInit_32fc(IppsFIRSparseState_32fc** ppState, const Ipp32fc* pNZTaps, const Ipp32s* pNZTapPos, int nzTapsLen, const Ipp32fc* pDlyLine, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: ippcore.h, ippvm.h

Libraries: ippcore.lib, ippvm.lib



Pointer to the array containing the non-zero tap values. The number of elements in the array is nzTapsLen.


Pointer to the array containing positions of the non-zero tap values. The number of elements in the array is nzTapsLen.


Number of elements in the array with non-zero tap values.


Pointer to the array containing the delay line values.


Double pointer to the sparse FIR state structure.


Pointer to the external buffer for the sparse FIR state structure.


This function initializes a sparse FIR filter state structure ppState in the external buffer pBuffer. The size of this buffer must be computed previously by calling the function FIRSparseGetStateSize. The initialization function copies the values of filter coefficients from the array pNZTaps containing nzTapsLen non-zero taps and their positions from the array pNZTapPos into the state structure ppState. The array pDlyLine specifies the delay line values. The number of elements in this array is pNZTapPos[nzTapsLen -1]. If the pointer to the array pDlyLine is not NULL, the array contents are copied into the state structure ppState, otherwise the delay line values in the state structure are initialized to 0.


The values of nzTapsLen and pNZTapPos[nzTapsLen -1] must be equal to those specified in the function FIRSparseGetStateSize.

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error if one of the pointers ppState, pNZTaps, pNZTapPos, or pBuffer is NULL.


Indicates an error if nxTapsLen is less than or equal to 0.


Indicates an error if positions of the non-zero taps are not in ascending order, or are negative or repetitive.