Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 3/22/2024

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DFTGetSize_R, DFTGetSize_C

Computes sizes of the DFT work buffer and required working buffers.


Case 1: Operation on real signal

IppStatus ippsDFTGetSize_R_32f(int length, int flag, IppHintAlgorithm hint, int* pSizeSpec, int* pSizeInit, int* pSizeBuf);

IppStatus ippsDFTGetSize_R_64f(int length, int flag, IppHintAlgorithm hint, int* pSizeSpec, int* pSizeInit, int* pSizeBuf);

Case 2: Operation on complex signal

IppStatus ippsDFTGetSize_C_32fc(int length, int flag, IppHintAlgorithm hint, int* pSizeSpec, int* pSizeInit, int* pSizeBuf);

IppStatus ippsDFTGetSize_C_32f(int length, int flag, IppHintAlgorithm hint, int* pSizeSpec, int* pSizeInit, int* pSizeBuf);

IppStatus ippsDFTGetSize_C_64fc(int length, int flag, IppHintAlgorithm hint, int* pSizeSpec, int* pSizeInit, int* pSizeBuf);

IppStatus ippsDFTGetSize_C_64f(int length, int flag, IppHintAlgorithm hint, int* pSizeSpec, int* pSizeInit, int* pSizeBuf);

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: ippcore.h, ippvm.h

Libraries: ippcore.lib, ippvm.lib



Length of the DFT transform.


Specifies the result normalization method. The values for the flag argument are described in the section Flag and Hint Arguments.


This parameter is deprecated. Set the value to ippAlgHintNone.


Pointer to the DFT specification structure size value.


Pointer to the buffer size value for DFT initialization functions.


Pointer to the size value of the DFT external work buffer.


These functions compute the size of DFT specification structure, the work buffer size for the DFT structure initialization functions ippsDFTInit_R and ippsDFTInit_C, and size of the DFT work buffer for different flavors of ippsDFTFwd and ippsDFTInv. Their values in bytes are stored in pSpecSize, pSizeInit, and pSizeBuf respectively.

ippsDFTGetSize_R function is used for real flavors of the DFT functions.

ippsDFTGetSize_C function is used for complex flavors of the DFT functions.

Application Notes

The maximum values for length are:

Function Flavor Max length
C_32fc 134217727 (2^27 - 1)
C_64fc 67108863 (2^26 - 1)

Return Values


Indicates no error.


Indicates an error when one of the specified pointers is NULL.


Indicates an error when the flag value is incorrect.


Indicates an error when the memory needed to calculate the length value of the DFT transform exceeds the limit.


Indicates an error when length is less than, or equal to 0.