Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 3/22/2024

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Initializes the bilateral context structure.


IppStatus ippiFilterBilateralBorderInit(IppiFilterBilateralType filter, IppiSize dstRoiSize, int radius, IppDataType dataType, int numChannels, IppiDistanceMethodType distMethod, Ipp32f valSquareSigma, Ipp32f posSquareSigma, IppiFilterBilateralSpec* pSpec);

Platform-aware function

IppStatus ippiFilterBilateralBorderInit_L(IppiFilterBilateralType filter, IppiSizeL dstRoiSize, int radius, IppDataType dataType, int numChannels, IppiDistanceMethodType distMethod, Ipp32f valSquareSigma, Ipp32f posSquareSigma, IppiFilterBilateralSpec* pSpec);

Threading layer function

IppStatus ippiFilterBilateralBorderInit_LT(IppiFilterBilateralType filter, IppiSizeL dstRoiSize, int radius, IppDataType dataType, int numChannels, IppiDistanceMethodType distMethod, Ipp32f valSquareSigma, Ipp32f posSquareSigma, IppiFilterBilateralSpec_LT* pSpec);

Include Files


Flavors with the _LT suffix: ippi_tl.h

Flavors with the _L suffix: ippi_l.h

Domain Dependencies

Flavors declared in ippi.h:

Headers: ippcore.h, ippvm.h, ipps.h

Libraries: ippcore.lib, ippvm.lib, ipps.lib

Flavors declared in ippi_tl.h:

Libraries: ippcore.lib, ippvm.lib, ipps.lib, ippi.lib, ippcore_tl.lib, ippi_tl.lib



Type of the bilateral filter. Possible value is ippiFilterBilateralGauss - Gaussian bilateral filter.


Size of the destination ROI in pixels.


Radius of the round kernel. The radius value equal to 1 corresponds to distance between the closest pixels.


Data type of the source and destination images. Possible values are ipp8u and ipp32f.


Number of channels in the images.


Method of defining intensive distance between pixels. Possible value is ippDistNormL1.


Square of the sigma for intensive distance between pixels.


Square of the sigma for geometric distance between pixels.


Pointer to the bilateral context structure.


This function initializes the bilateral context structure pSpecSize for bilateral filtering. Before using this function, compute the size of the context structure using the FilterBilateralBorderGetBufferSize function.

The radius parameter specifies the radius of the round filter kernel. The radius value equal to 1 corresponds to the distance between centers of the closest pixels.

Coefficients of the bilateral filter kernel depend on their positions in the kernel and on the intensity value of the source image pixels lying in the kernel.

The value of the output pixel d is computed by the following formula:

For all i and j that i*i+j*j<=radius*radius (for central pixel of the kernel i=0, j=0)


  • vij is the value (or channel values) of a pixel in the kernel with coordinates i and j

  • w1ij=Fun(valSquareSigma, Intensity Distance(vij, v00))

    The distMethodType parameter specifies the method of defining the intensive distance between pixels. Currently the only supported method is ippDistNormL1, which defines the intensive distance as norma L1.

  • w2ij=Fun(posSquareSigma, Geometric Distance(vij, v00)=sqrt(i*i+j*j))

Fun(S, I)=exp(-I*I/2*S)


  • S is valSquareSigma or posSquareSigma

  • I is the difference between pixel values or position

For an example on how to use this function, refer to the example provided with the FilterBilateralBorder function description.

Return Values


Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error.


Indicates an error when pSpec is NULL.


Indicates an error when dstRoiSize has a field with a zero or negative value.


Indicates an error whenradius is less than, or equal to zero.


Indicates an error when the filter or distMethod value is not supported.


Indicates an error when valSquareSigma or posSquareSigma is less than, or equal to zero.


Indicates an error when numChannels has an illegal value.

See Also