Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel® IPP) Developer Guide and Reference

ID 790148
Date 3/22/2024

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Performs dilation of an image using a specified mask.


IppStatus ippiDilate_8u_C1R_L(const Ipp8u* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp8u borderValue[1], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_8u_C3R_L(const Ipp8u* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp8u borderValue[3], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_8u_C4R_L(const Ipp8u* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp8u* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp8u borderValue[4], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_32f_C3R_L(const Ipp32f* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp32f borderValue[3], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_32f_C1R_L(const Ipp32f* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp32f borderValue[1], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_32f_C4R_L(const Ipp32f* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp32f* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp32f borderValue[4], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_16u_C1R_L(const Ipp16u* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp16u* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp16u borderValue[1], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_16s_C1R_L(const Ipp16s* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, Ipp16s* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp16s borderValue[1], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

IppStatus ippiDilate_1u_C1R_L(const Ipp8u* pSrc, IppSizeL srcStep, int srcBitOffset, Ipp8u* pDst, IppSizeL dstStep, int dstBitOffset, IppiSizeL roiSize, IppiBorderType borderType, const Ipp8u borderValue[1], const IppiMorphStateL* pMorphSpec, Ipp8u* pBuffer);

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: ippcore.h, ippvm.h, ipps.h

Libraries: ippcore.lib, ippvm.lib, ipps.lib



Pointer to the source image ROI.


Distance, in bytes, between the starting points of consecutive lines in the source image.


Pointer to the destination image ROI.


Distance, in bytes, between the starting points of consecutive lines in the destination image.


Size of the source and destination ROI, in pixels.


Type of the border; supported values:


The border is set to ippBorderConst with borderValue= MIN_VALUE, where MIN_VALUE=IPP_MIN_8U/16U/16S/32F/1U


Border is replicated from the edge pixels.


Border pixels are mirrored from the source image boundary pixels.


Values of all border pixels are set to a constant.


Border is obtained from the source image pixels in memory.

Mixed borders are also supported. They can be obtained by the bitwise operation OR between any of the ippBorderRepl, ippBorderConst, or ippBorderMirror values and the ippBorderInMemTop, ippBorderInMemBottom, ippBorderInMemLeft, ippBorderInMemRight values.


Pointer to the vector of values for the constant border type.


Offset in the first byte of the source image row.


Offset in the first byte of the destination image row.


Pointer to the morphology specification structure.


Pointer to the external work buffer.


This function operates with ROI (see Regions of Interest in Intel IPP).

This function performs dilation of a rectangular ROI area inside a one-, three-, or four-channel 2D image using a specified mask pMask of size maskSize and alignment anchor.

Source and destination images can be of different sizes, but the ROI size is the same for both images. The output pixel is set to the maximum of the corresponding input pixel and its neighboring pixels that are picked out by the nonzero mask values. In the four-channel image the alpha channel is not processed.

Return Values


Indicates no error. Any other value indicates an error or a warning.


Indicates an error condition if pSrc or pDst is NULL.


Indicates an error condition if roiSize has a field with a zero or negative value.


Indicates an error condition if srcStep or dstStep has a zero or negative value.


Indicates an error condition if srcStep or dstStep has a not pixel multiple value.


Indicates an error condition if borderType has an incorrect value.