Resources Pane
Resource List Displays all resources used by the selected graphics API functions. |
Resource Viewer Displays details about the resource selected in Resource List. |
Resource List
All resources are grouped by Input, Execution, and Output stages.
By default, Frame Analyzer shows all resources attributed to the current selection. Use the Filter menu to filter resources by type:
- Geometry
- Textures
- Shaders
- Data buffers
- Graphics/Compute Pipeline States
- Samplers
- API call arguments
To filter resources by name, type the desired name or parameter into the Type filter expression field.
Some resources support previews. To see the preview, hover over the resource thumbnail in the Resource List.
Use Back and Next buttons to navigate back and forth between recently selected resources and events.
For textures, shaders, or geometry, you can choose the following view types:
- Table View
To see resources in a tabular view, click the Show Resource Table button.
To configure table columns, click the button.
To select a resource and open it in the Resource Viewer, click the row with the required resource.
- Tile View
Tile view shows only resource thumbnails. To open tile view, click the button. Resources can be sorted by resource type, name, ID, or stage.
To select a resource and open it in the Resource Viewer, click the row with the required resource.
Resource Notations
Resource names, except texture and buffer names, are abbreviated and shown in the Resource List and Resource Viewer in the following format:
<resource type>:<resource ID> [<user-defined name>]
Texture names and buffer names are shown in the following format:
<resource type>:<resource ID> (<view type><view ID>)
Name Component | Description |
<resource type> | Can be B (buffer) or T (texture). |
<resource ID> | Any positive integer. 0 is an exception used to identify a synthetic DirectX 12 root constant resource. |
<view type> | Depends on the resource type. |
<view ID> | Any non-negative integer number. Continuous numbering is used, that is a view ID value does not depend on a view type. |
Resource Viewer
Resource Viewer displays details of the resource selected in Resource List. Resource Viewer layout depends on the resource type.
Resource Viewer: Geometry
Geometry Viewer panel Visualization Mode drop-down list - switches between view modes to analyze various geometry aspects of the selected geometry object. There are the following visualization modes available: Solid (default) - view the object as a solid model. Wireframe - view a wireframe model to inspect the backside of the object and to understand how it is built from triangles. Solid Wireframe - view a wireframe model on top of the solid model. Normals - view a normal map for your object to analyze how the normal vectors are plotted. Output Geometry View Mode drop-down list is available for output geometry. It toggles between the Post-transform mesh mode and Screen space view mode.
Save Geometry to File button exports geometry data in the Wavefront OBJ format. Geometry Layout button (specific for DirectX 11, DirectX 12, and Vulcan) displays geometry details. The Geometry Layout pane contains general information, such as topology and bounding box, as well as the attached vertex buffers and their layout: |
Geometry Viewer window Shows a mesh for the selected call.
For DirectX 11 and 12, output geometry can be selected for several calls within one render target region.
You can rotate the object in any direction by clicking and holding the mouse pointer. To invert normals by 180 degrees, right-click the geometry object. To flip vertical and horizontal planes, middle-click the geometry object.
Resource Viewer: Texture
Texture Viewer pane Open in Separate Window button - displays the selected in a separate window. Resource History button - shows in the API Log pane only the graphics API functions that use the selected resource. Resource Creation Parameters button - shows the descriptor with available parameters for DirectX resources. Texture Info field - shows the resource type and internal ID; view type and ID; and debug name, if available. Format field - shows the original texture format. Dimensions field - shows the resource dimensions, such as width, height, depth - or layer count and sample count for multisample textures. |
Texture Viewer toolbar Render Target State drop-down list toggles between the following modes of the selected render target:
Output Texture Visualization Mode drop-down list switches between the following viewing modes of the selected output texture:
Selected Calls drop-down list switches between the following ways to render the selected calls:
Other Calls drop-down list switches between the following options to show non-selected calls:
Selected Calls and Other Calls viewing options apply only to the draw calls that render into the selected render target.
Save Texture to File button - saves a texture image or render target in the Direct Draw Surface (DDS) format, Khronos Texture (KTX) format, or PNG format. Flip Image button - turns a texture image or render target upside down. Histogram button - opens a color histogram of a texture or render target. |
Texture Viewer window Shows a texture image or render target. |
For textures with mipmaps, 3D textures, and texture arrays, you can select a particular subresource in the MIP-level selector or the Layer selector:
Grayed-out values in the MIP-level selector or in the Layer selector mean that the corresponding subresources are not defined in the selected resource view.
You can experiment with SRV textures using the following elements:
- Texture 2x2 button - replaces the opened texture with a simple 2x2 pixel texture for the selected events. The experiment creates a new texture with the same name and of the same type, and denoted as [modified].
- Clamp to Selected MIP Level button - disables all mipmaps of the opened textures that are greater than the current mipmap level of the texture for the selected events. The experiment creates a new texture with the same name and of the same type, and denoted as [modified].
- Format drop-down list - shows the original texture format and enables texture format replacement (DirectX 11 only).
To disable the applied experiments, click the button on the texture thumbnail in Resource List.
For cube map textures, you can open one face of a cube map by selecting the desired face from the drop-down list. The Default option is a cube map layout.
Resource Viewer: Shader
Shader Viewer pane Resource History button shows in the API Log pane only the draw calls that use the selected shader set. Shader Profiler button - switch to Shader Profiling mode. Show source-assembly mapping button - enable side-by-side view of shader and assembly code. Shader Type drop-down list - shows the type of the opened shader. |
Shader Viewer toolbar Shader Code drop-down list - shows different code representations of the opened shader. Supported Shader Code types:
For DirectX frames, you can choose Compiler Flags from the Shader Code list to see what options are used to compile the source code. Apply button - compiles a modified shader source code and applies it to the selected draw calls or dispatch calls. Revert button - discards all changes made to the opened shader. Type Filter Expression field - filters shader code values. Format button - applies default formatting to the opened shader code. Preprocess button - preprocesses the opened shader code by applying all defines from the list of definitions. Load source code button - replaces the current shader source code with the imported code. Export shader profile to CSV button - saves the shader code currently displayed in the Shader Editor, in the CSV format. Bindings button - displays a list of resources and constants that are used in the opened shader. |
Shader Editor Enables you to view a shader code, change it and apply changes to the selected draw calls or dispatch calls. |
Shader Resource List Lists bound resources and constants used in the opened shader. |
Notification pane Displays errors and warnings that relate to the selected shader code. |
Resource Viewer: Shader Table
Shader Table is a tool for deep analysis of ray tracing shaders. The table visualizes all shaders that can be potentially executed as a result of a DispatchRays call. Shader Table also contains performance metrics for each shader.
When you select a DispatchRays call in Graphics Frame Analyzer, Shader Table becomes available in the Resource List as a separate item. Click the Shader Table resource to view detailed information about shaders:
- Export Name(s) - unique shader names, which are exported from the raytracing pipeline state object and used to generate the shader identifier.
- DXIL Entrypoint - shader name from the HLSL source code.
- Hit Group(s) - names of hit groups where the shader is used. Only closest hit,any hit, and intersection shaders can be included in a hit group. Cells in the Hit Group(s) column are always empty for ray generation,miss, and callable shaders.
- HW Thread Count - number of hardware threads executing instances of a shader. If the number is zero, the shader was bound to the pipeline but not executed. Maximum number of shader instances in a hardware thread depends on SIMD width (8, 16, or 32).
- Duration % - relative duration of a shader, where 100% is the sum of durations for all shaders.
- SIMD Occupancy % - number of SIMD lanes executing a shader, in relation to the total number available across all threads. If SIMD occupancy is low, the hardware scheduler could not aggregate different shader instances in one thread. Developer and Optimization Guide describes how to improve SIMD occupancy.
- SIMD Active Channels - the number of rays processed by the shader. The value of SIMD Active Channels metric equals to HW Thread Count * SIMD width * SIMD occupancy / 100%.
- Type - shader type as defined in the DXIL library.
- DXIL Library - identifier of the DXIL library where a shader is declared. You can use the identifier to find a proper shader code from the Resource List.
Resource Viewer: Buffer
Buffer Viewer pane Show Resource in Separate Window button - opens Buffer Viewer in a separate window. Resource History button - shows in the API Log pane only the graphics API functions that use the selected buffer. Resource Creation Parameters button - shows the descriptor with available parameters for DirectX resources. Offset and Size field - shows the offset value and size of the opened buffer block in the original buffer object. |
Buffer Viewer toolbar View toggle button - toggles between the list view and table view of the Buffer Viewer. Buffer Layout field - enables you to view and edit the opened buffer layout. The layout is written in the buffer markup language. Export buffer to CSV button - exports the contents off the buffer in .csv file format. Your are prompted to specify the file name and the location. Restore Default Layout button - reverts any buffer layout modifications made by the user and restores the default shader-defined or pipeline state-defined buffer layout or a default format (float4 or xuint4), if the buffer layout was not received from shader. Info button - opens the layout editor help with the markup language help. |
Buffer Viewer window Shows the opened buffer details in a table or list format. |
Resource Viewer: Graphics/Compute Pipeline State
The Graphics/Compute Pipeline State Viewer shows settings for fixed function blocks of the graphics/compute pipeline. The settings can be changed.
For DirectX and OpenGL applications, State Viewer shows API-agnostic data. The data can be modified for several draw calls simultaneously:
For Vulkan, State Viewer shows Vulkan-specific data only for one draw call:
For frames opened from stream files, Graphics Frame Analyzer provides a combined state view that unifies both Pipeline State Object (PSO) and non-PSO states:
Resource Viewer: Samplers
Sampler Viewer pane Resource History button - shows in the API Log pane only the graphics API functions that use the selected sampler. Show Resource in Separate Window button - opens Sampler Viewer in a separate window. |
Sampler Viewer window Shows read-only settings for sampling textures. |
Resource Viewer: API Call Arguments
The API Call Arguments Viewer lists arguments of the selected graphics API function. The viewer shows data only for a single function.
For the DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 frames, you can change arguments to change input geometry, clear color or the number of computing threads.
You can change arguments for the following calls:
Dispatch calls
For DirectX 11, all draw calls except DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect and DrawInstancedIndirect
For DirectX 12, DrawIndexedInstanced and DrawInstanced
Resource Viewer: Root Signatures and Descriptors (DirectX 12 and Vulkan only)
This resource view enables you to explore the internals of DirectX 12 Root Signatures and Vulkan Descriptor Sets. This can be useful for debugging sporadic rendering issues, like a wrong texture being used for an object.