Multi Channel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683821
Date 7/30/2024
Document Table of Contents ifc_qdma_request_start

Table 109.  ifc_qdma_request_start
API API Description Input Parameters Return Values
int ifc_qdma_request_start(struct ifc_qdma_channel *qchnl, int dir, struct ifc_qdma_request *r);

Depending on data direction, application selects TX/RX queue, populates the descriptors based on the passed request object and submits the DMA transactions.

This is not blocking request. You may need to poll for the completion status.

qchnl: channel context received on ifc_qchannel_get()

dir: DMA direction, one of IFC_QDMA_DIRECTION_*

r: request struct that needs to be processed

0 on success

negative otherwise