Multi Channel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683821
Date 7/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.4.3. Avalon-MM Read Master (D2H)

The D2H Avalon-MM Read Master interface is use to read D2H DMA data from the external AVMM slave. This port is 128-bit (x4) / 256-bit (x8/x4*) / 512-bit (x16) read master that is capable of reading maximum 512 bytes of data per AVMM transaction. The waitrequestAllowance of this port is enabled, allowing the master to transfer up to N additional write command cycles after the waitrequest signal has been asserted. Value of <N> for H2D AVMM Master is as follows:
  • 512-bit data-width is 16
  • 256-bit data-width is 32
  • 128-bit data-width is 64
Note: In R-Tile, the Port x4 can be the 256-bit read master when Gen4 4x4 Interface - 256-bit is selected in the PCI Express Hard IP Mode.
Table 40.  Avalon-MM Read Master (D2H)

Interface Clock Domain for H-Tile: coreclkout_hip

Interface Clock Domain for P-Tile, F-Tile and R-Tile: app_clk

Signal Name I/O Type Description
d2hdm_read_o Output D2H Read.
d2hdm_address_o[63:0] Output D2H Read Write Address.

x16: d2hdm_byteenable_o[63:0]

x8/x4*: d2hdm_byteenable_o[31:0]

x4 (128-bit): d2hdm_byteenable_o[15:0]

Output D2H Byte Enable

x16: d2hdm_burstcount_o[3:0]

x8/x4*: d2hdm_burstcount_o[4:0]

x4 (128-bit): d2hdm_burstcount_o[5:0]

Output D2H Burst Count.
d2hdm_waitrequest_i Input D2H Write WaitRequest.
d2hdm_readdatavalid_i Input D2H Read Data Valid.

x16: d2hdm_readdata_i[511:0]

x8/x4*: d2hdm_readdata_i[255:0]

x4 (128-bit): d2hdm_readdata_i[127:0]

Input D2H Read Data.
d2hdm_response_i[1:0] Input Tied to 0