Multi Channel DMA Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683821
Date 7/30/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.13.1. H2D Data Mover Interface

Table 52.  H2D Data Mover Descriptor Completion Interface (h2ddm_desc_cmpl) Signals
Signal Name I/O Description
h2ddm_desc_cmpl_ready_i Input

Indicates external descriptor controller is ready to accept data.

h2ddm_desc_cmpl_valid_o Output

Qualifies all output signals

x16: h2ddm_desc_cmpl_data_o[511:0]

x8/x4 (256-bit): h2ddm_desc_cmpl_data_o[255:0]

x4 (128-bit): h2ddm_desc_cmpl_data_o[127:0]


H2D Data Mover descriptor completion data

x16: h2ddm_desc_cmpl_empty_o[5:0]

x8/x4 (256-bit): h2ddm_desc_cmpl_empty_o[4:0]

x4 (128-bit): h2ddm_desc_cmpl_empty_o[3:0]


Specifies number of bytes that are empty during the cycle when h2ddm_desc_cmpl_eop_o is asserted.

These signals are not valid when the h2ddm_desc_cmpl_eop_o is not asserted.

h2ddm_desc_cmpl_sop_o Output

Signals the first cycle of data transfer when used in conjunction with h2ddm_desc_cmpl_valid_o.

h2ddm_desc_cmpl_eop_o Output

Signals the last cycle of data transfer when used in conjunction with h2ddm_desc_cmpl_valid_o.

Table 53.  H2D Data Mover Descriptor Status Interface (h2ddm_desc_status) Signals
Signal Name I/O Description
h2ddm_desc_ready_o Output

Indicates MCDMA IP Core is ready to accept H2D Data Mover descriptor data

h2ddm_desc_valid_i Input

Qualifies H2D Data Mover descriptor data signals

h2ddm_desc_data_i[255:0] Input

H2D Data Mover descriptor data

Table 54.  H2D Data Mover Descriptor Status Interface (h2ddm_desc_status) Signals
Signal Name I/O Description
h2ddm_desc_status_valid_o Output

Qualifies H2D Data Mover descriptor status

h2ddm_desc_status_data_o[31:0] Output

H2D Data Mover descriptor status data