Stratix® 10 GX/SX Device Overview

ID 683729
Date 6/28/2024

1.8. Stratix® 10 Transceivers

Stratix® 10 devices offer up to 96 total full-duplex transceiver channels. These channels provide continuous data rates from 1 Gbps to 28.3 Gbps for chip-to-chip, chip-to-module, and backplane applications. In each device,two thirds of the transceivers can be configured up to the maximum data rate of 28.3 Gbps to drive 100G interfaces and C form-factor pluggable CFP2/CFP4 optical modules. For longer-reach backplane driving applications, advanced adaptive equalization circuits are used to equalize over 30 dB of system loss.

All transceiver channels feature a dedicated Physical Medium Attachment (PMA) and a hardened Physical Coding Sublayer (PCS).

  • The PMA provides primary interfacing capabilities to physical channels.
  • The PCS typically handles encoding/decoding, word alignment, and other pre-processing functions before transferring data to the FPGA core fabric.

Within each transceiver tile, the transceivers are arranged in four banks of six PMA-PCS groups. A wide variety of bonded and non-bonded data rate configurations are possible within each bank, and within each tile, using a highly configurable clock distribution network.