Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 1/07/2025

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7.2.1. qsys-generate Command-Line Options

Table 200.  Command-Line Options for qsys-generateOptions in alphabetical order.
Option Usage Description
<1st arg file> Required Specifies the name of the .qsys system file to generate.
--block-symbol-file Optional Creates a Block Symbol File (.bsf) for the Platform Designer system.
--bypass-quartus-project Optional Override the project settings with values from the Platform Designer system, if possible. For example, if the Platform Designer system defines its own IP search path, use that path instead of the project settings IP search path. This option mainly affects the generation process.
--clear-output-directory Optional Clears the output directory corresponding to the selected target, that is, simulation or synthesis.
--example-design=<value> Optional

Creates example design files.

For example, --example-design or --example-design=all. The default is All, which generates example designs for all instances. Alternatively, choose specific filesets based on instance name and fileset name. For example --example-design=instance0.example_design1,instance1.example_design 2. Specify an output directory for the example design files creation.
--export-qsys-script Optional When this option is true, Platform Designer exports the post-generation system as a Platform Designer script file with the extension .tcl.
--family=<value> Optional Sets the device family name.
--help Optional Displays help for --qsys-generate.
--greybox Optional If you are synthesizing your design with a third-party EDA synthesis tool, generate a netlist for the synthesis tool to estimate timing and resource usage for this design.
Note: Generation of a timing and area estimation (gray box) netlist is available only for individual Intel FPGA IP, and not for Platform Designer systems.
--ipxact Optional If you specify this option, Platform Designer generates the post-generation system as an IPXACT-compatible component description.
Note: Platform Designer supports importing and exporting files in IP-XACT 2009 format and exporting IP-XACT files in 2014 format.
--jvm-max-heap-size=<value> Optional The maximum memory size that Platform Designer uses when running qsys-generate. You specify the value as < size><unit >, where unit is m (or M) for multiples of megabytes or g (or G) for multiples of gigabytes. The default value is 512m.
Optional This switch creates a new file containing a set of metrics, at the path you specify. This switch must be used alongside the --record-metrics switch, or the switch does not function. The path to the log file must exist, or the FileDoesNotExists error appears. Platform Designer does not create any new directories listed in the path.
--parallel[=<level>] Optional Directs Platform Designer to generate in parallel mode, with the level of parallelism that you specify. If you omit the level, Platform Designer determines a number based on processor availability and number of files to be generated.
--part=<value> Optional Sets the device part number. If set, this option overrides the --family option.
Optional Enables metric logging. This feature logs the time Platform Designer takes to perform various operations. The other information includes:
  • The operation performed.
  • The IP instance name and its .ip file location.
  • The IP component type and its _hw.tcl file location.
The switch does not require a value, but it does accept a string value that has no effect on the metric logging. In the absence of the --metrics-log-file switch, Platform Designer creates the log file in the project directory with the name of metrics_<top-level name>.txt by default.
--search-path=<value> Optional If you omit this command, Platform Designer uses a standard default path. If you provide this command, Platform Designer searches a comma-separated list of paths. To include the standard path in your replacement, use "$", for example, "/extra/dir,$".
--simulation=<VERILOG|VHDL> Optional Creates a simulation model for the Platform Designer system. The simulation model contains generated HDL files for the simulator, and may include simulation-only features. Specify the preferred simulation language. The default value is VERILOG.
--synthesis=<VERILOG|VHDL> Optional Creates synthesis HDL files that Platform Designer uses to compile the system in an Quartus® Prime project. Specify the generation language for the top-level RTL file for the Platform Designer system. The default value is VERILOG.
--testbench=<SIMPLE|STANDARD> Optional Creates a testbench system that instantiates the original system, adding bus functional models (BFMs) to drive the top-level interfaces. When you generate the system, the BFMs interact with the system in the simulator. The default value is STANDARD.
--testbench-simulation=<VERILOG|VHDL > Optional After you create the testbench system, create a simulation model for the testbench system. The default value is VERILOG.
--top-level-generation Optional Only generate the top-level of the given Platform Designer system. Do not descend into hierarchy. Do not generate generic components.
--upgrade-ip-cores Optional Enables upgrading all the IP cores that support upgrade in the Platform Designer system you specify. This command has no impact on IP cores in any subsystem.
--upgrade-variation-file Optional If you set this option to true, the file argument for this command accepts a .v file, which contains a IP variant. This file parameterizes a corresponding instance in a Platform Designer system of the same name.