Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 1/07/2025

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Document Table of Contents

1.21.8. New Packaged Subsystem Dialog Box Options and Controls

The following settings and controls are available in the New Packaged Subsystem dialog box. These settings and options are also available in the Edit Packaged Subsystem dialog box unless otherwise noted.
Table 30.  Component Tab Options and Controls
Option Name Description
Display Name Specifies a name for the new packaged subsystem you are creating. When the packaged subsystem is complete, this named packaged subsystem appears as a single IP in the Platform Designer IP Catalog. This option requires a value.
Version Specifies the version number of the packaged subsystem. The default value is 1.0. This setting is optional.
Group Specifies the IP group of the packaged subsystem. This setting is optional.
Description Specifies descriptive details about the packaged subsystem to help you identify it later.
Components Species the components in the packaged subsystem, their connections, and whether they should be visible in the packaged subsystem for other users.
Use Specifies whether the component should appear in the packaged subsystem or not. Turn on the checkbox to include the component in the packaged subsystem. Turn off the checkbox to exclude the component from the packaged subsystem. By default, Use is on for all components in the current system.
File Specifies the path for saving the packaged subsystem .qcp file. The default path is <project_directory>/ip/packages/<subsystem_name>.qcp. Using the default path ensures that IP Catalog finds the packaged subsystem without modifying the IP search path. This option is read only in Edit Packaged Subsystem dialog box.
Save Saves the .qcp file to the default location or a location that you specify, and the packaged subsystem appears under Project in IP Catalog.
Table 31.  Additional Files Tab Options and Controls
Option Name Description
File Path Lists the path and filename of all files that you add to the packaged subsystem with Add File.
File Contents Provides a description of the file types that you add to the packaged subsystem with Add File.
Add File Allows you to browse for and add supplementary files to include in the packaged subsystem.
Remove File Removes one or more files from the files list so the file is not added to the packaged subsystem.
Move to the top Moves the selected file to the top of the files list.
Move up Moves the selected file up one level in the files list.
Move down Moves the selected file down one level in the files list.
Move to the bottom Moves the selected file down to the bottom of the files list.
Table 32.  Package Script Tab Options
Option Description
Package script Displays the editable packaged subsystem script that defines the packaged subsystem properties, parameters, and callbacks. You can directly edit this script to match your preferences.
Right-Click > Reset with default script Resets the current packaged subsystem script with the default packaged subsystem script for all subsystems.
Right-Click > Preview the GUI Displays a preview of the parameterization GUI that appears when users double-click the packaged subsystem in IP catalog.