Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 1/07/2025

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1.20.2. Archiving Platform Designer Systems

The Platform Designer GUI supports archiving an entire Platform Designer system to a single, compressed .zip file, and then restoring the archive in another instance of Platform Designer.

Alternatively, use the qsys-archive command to archive and restore Platform Designer systems at the command line.

To archive a Platform Designer system to a single, compressed .zip file:
  1. Open a Platform Designer system.
  2. In Platform Designer, click File > Archive System. The Archive System dialog box appears.
    Figure 98.  Archive System Dialog Box
  3. Specify a name for Archive file name.
  4. Enable or disable Collect to common directory. When enabled, Platform Designer collects the system's .qsys files in the root directory, and the .ip files in a single ip directory, while updating all references. Disable this option to maintain the current system's directory structure.
  5. Click OK. Platform Designer generates the archive.
    Figure 99. Archive System Complete
    Note: Platform Designer automatically identifies the .qsys and .ip files needed for system archiving when using Archive System. You do not manually specify any files for archiving. Archive System does not include custom IP and related files in the archive by default.
    Figure 100. System Archive Directory (Collect to common directory)
  6. To restore the archived system, click File > Restore Archived System. Select the Archive file name, and Destination folder to extract the restored files.
    Figure 101. Restore Archived System

    After restoration is complete, Platform Designer automatically launches the Open System dialog box, with the extracted project preloaded.