Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 1/07/2025

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Document Table of Contents Importing Interfaces to a Generic Component

To import interfaces from an existing IP or IP-XACT5 file to a generic component:
  1. Double-click Generic Component in the IP Catalog.
  2. In the Component Instantiation editor, click the Signals & Interfaces tab.
  3. Click the Import button..
    A dialog box appears from where you choose the IP/IP-XACT file to import to the generic component
  4. Select the interface.
    Platform Designer populates the Signals & Interfaces tab with the signals and interfaces defined in the selected file.
Figure 149. Importing Interfaces
5 Platform Designer supports importing and exporting files in IP-XACT 2009 format and exporting IP-XACT files in 2014 format.