Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 1/07/2025

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1.19.5. Changing a Component's Hierarchy Level

You can change the hierarchical level of components in your system.

You can lower the hierarchical level of a component, even into its own subsystem, which can simplify the top-level system view. You can also raise the level of a component or subsystem to share the component or subsystem between two unique subsystems. Management of hierarchy levels facilitates system optimization and can reduce complex connectivity in your subsystems.

Follow these steps to change a component's hierarchy level:
  1. Open a Platform Designer system that contains a subsystem.
  2. In the System View tab, to group and change the hierarchy level of multiple components that share a system-level component, multi-select the components, right-click, and then click Push down into new subsystem. Platform Designer pushes the components into their own subsystem and re-establishes the exported signals and connectivity in the new location.
  3. In the System View tab, to pull a component up out of a subsystem, select the component, and then click Pull up. Platform Designer pulls the component up out of the subsystem and re-establishes the exported signals and connectivity in the new location.