Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 1/07/2025

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1.6. Adding IP Components to a System

You can add Intel® FPGA IP components to a system from the IP Catalog in Platform Designer. The IP Catalog launches a parameter editor for specifying options and generating the component's HDL.
Your Platform Designer system can contain a single instance of an IP component, or multiple, individually parameterized variations of multiple or the same IP components.

When you first add Intel® FPGA IP components to a system, Platform Designer automatically adds the IP as a generic component (except for HPS IP components). Generic components allow you to define only the interface and signal connections to the rest of the system, without immediately defining the HDL implementation.

To parameterize, and instantiate an IP component in a Platform Designer system:

  1. Type some of the component’s name in the IP Catalog search box to find the IP by name or category.
    Figure 33.  Platform Designer IP Catalog

  2. Double-click any component to launch the parameter editor. The Parameterization Messages tab displays any parameterization errors.
  3. After specifying parameters, click Finish to instantiate the component in the system. The IP component appears in the System View and Component Instantiation tabs. Platform Designer creates a corresponding .ip file for the IP component on instantiation, and stores the file in the <ip> folder in the project directory.

    Platform Designer instantiates a generic component in place of the actual IP core with a reference to the HDL entity name, module and interface assignments, compilation library, HDL ports, interfaces, and system-info parameters.

Figure 34. Parameter Editor