Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 1/07/2025

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Document Table of Contents Designate a Platform Designer Agent to Use Fixed Priority Arbitration

You can designate any agent in your Platform Designer system to use fixed priority arbitration. You must assign each host connected to a fixed priority agent a numeric priority. The host with the highest higher priority receives first access to the agent. No two hosts can have the same priority.
  1. In Platform Designer, click View > Domains.
  2. Under Interconnect Parameters, click Add on the Interface tab to add a new requirement.
  3. In the Identifier column, select the agent for fixed priority arbitration.
    Figure 203. Interface Tab of Domains Tab
  4. In the Setting column, select Slave arbitration scheme.
  5. In the Value column, select fixed-priority.
  6. Navigate to the System View tab.
  7. In the System View tab, right-click the designated fixed priority agent, and then select Show Arbitration Shares.
  8. For each host connected to the fixed priory arbitration agent, type a numerical arbitration priority in the box that appears in place of the connection circle.
    Figure 204. Arbitration Priority Box
  9. Right click the designated fixed priority agent and uncheck Show Arbitration Shares to return to the connection circles.