Visible to Intel only — GUID: azo1576724601516
1.1. ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Design Overview
1.2. ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Design Implementation Guidelines
1.3. Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link
1.4. Downloading and Operating the Design Example
1.5. Document Revision History for AN 901: Implementing Analog-to-Digital Converter Dual Link Design with Intel Agilex® 7 FPGA E-Tile JESD204C RX IP Editing Design Example Platform Designer System for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Editing Design Example Top-Level HDL for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Editing TX Simulation Model Platform Designer System for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Editing TX Simulation Model Top-Level HDL for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Editing Simulation Testbench for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Adding IP Signals to the Simulation Waveform Updating the Simulation Script Simulating the Dual Link Design Viewing the Simulation Results Editing Design Example Platform Designer System for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Editing Design Example Top-Level HDL for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Editing Design Example Top-Level SDC Constraint for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link Compiling the Design in Quartus® Prime Software
Visible to Intel only — GUID: azo1576724601516
Ixiasoft Editing Simulation Testbench for Synchronized ADC to Intel Agilex® 7 Dual Link
The simulation testbench,, is located in the simulation/models folder. Follow these steps to edit the testbench.
- Open the testbench ( in a text editor.
- Add the LINK parameter at the localparam declaration section. Example:
localparam LINK = 2; // Number of IP core in the dual link design
- In the instantiation of the TX and RX JESD204C example design modules, include the LINK parameter. Example:
intel_j204c_ed_rx #( .LINK (LINK), intel_j204c_ed_tx #( .LINK (LINK),
- Add the TX_REG and RX_REG text macros for each additional link. The additional IP instance in this example is intel_jesd204c_1 and the text macro is TX_REG_1 and RX_REG_1. Example:
`define TX_REG_1 tb_top.u_intel_j204c_ed_tx.u_j204c_tx_ss.j204c_tx_ip.intel_jesd204c_1.intel_jesd204c.j204c_tx_base_inst.j204c_tx_csr_inst.j204c_tx_regmap_inst `define RX_REG_1 tb_top.u_intel_j204c_ed_rx.u_j204c_rx_ss.j204c_rx_ip.intel_jesd204c_1.intel_jesd204c.j204c_rx_base_inst.j204c_rx_csr_inst.j204c_rx_regmap_inst
- Comment out or delete the sysref_out port at the instantiation of the intel_j204c_ed_rx and intel_j204c_ed_tx subsystems.
// Example in Verilog //.sysref_out (sysref),
- Change the dimension and assignment of the following wires and registers:
- reg [LINK-1:0] tx_link_error_reg = {LINK{1’b0}};
- reg [LINK-1:0] rx_link_error_reg = {LINK{1’b0}};
- reg [LINK-1:0] data_error_reg = {LINK{1’b0}};
- reg [LINK-1:0] cmd_data_error_reg = {LINK{1’b0}};
- wire [LINK*L-1:0] tx_serial_data;
- wire [LINK*L-1:0] tx_serial_data_n;
- wire [LINK*L-1:0] rx_serial_data;
- wire [LINK*L-1:0] rx_serial_data_n;
- wire [LINK-1:0] data_valid;
- wire [LINK-1:0] data_error;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_link_error;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_link_error;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_avst_ready;
- wire [LINK-1:0][(TOTAL_SAMPLE*N)-1:0] rx_avst_data;
- wire [LINK-1:0] cmd_data_valid;
- wire [LINK-1:0] cmd_data_error;
- wire [LINK-1:0][L*18-1:0] cmd_data;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_sysref_lemc_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_dll_data_invalid_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_frame_data_invalid_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_cmd_invalid_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_tx_ready_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_pcfifo_full_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_tx_gb_underflow_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] tx_err_tx_gb_overflow_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_sysref_lemc_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_dll_data_ready_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_frame_data_ready_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_cmd_ready_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_cdr_locked_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_pcfifo_full_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_pcfifo_empty_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_lane_deskew_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_invalid_sync_header;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_invalid_eomb;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_invalid_eoemb;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_cmd_par_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_crc_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_rx_gb_underflow_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_rx_gb_overflow_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_sh_unlock_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_emb_unlock_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_eb_full_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_ecc_corrected_err;
- wire [LINK-1:0] rx_err_ecc_fatal_err;
- Scale the dimensions of the tx_ready, rx_ready, and rx_avst_ready assignments according to the number of links. Example for LINK = 2:
//Scale the dimension to [number of link-1:0] assign tx_ready = &u_intel_j204c_ed_tx.all_tx_ready[1:0]; assign rx_ready = &u_intel_j204c_ed_rx.all_rx_ready[1:0]; assign rx_avst_ready = u_intel_j204c_ed_rx.rx_avst_ready[1:0];
- Add the LINK parameter to the assignment statements for rx_serial_data and rx_serial_data_n as shown below:
//Internal Loopback assign rx_serial_data = INTERNAL_SERIAL_LB ? {LINK*L{1'b0}} : tx_serial_data; assign rx_serial_data_n = INTERNAL_SERIAL_LB ? {LINK*L{1'b0}} : tx_serial_data_n;
- Add an index to each assignment of the TX and RX IP error. Assign the errors for each link according to the TX and RX IP text macro. Example:
//TX Error Link 0 assign tx_err_sysref_lemc_err[0] = `TX_REG.tx_err_sysref_lemc_err; //TX Error Link 1 assign tx_err_sysref_lemc_err[1] = `TX_REG_1.tx_err_sysref_lemc_err; //RX Error Link 0 assign rx_err_sysref_lemc_err[0] = `RX_REG.rx_err_sysref_lemc_err; //RX Error Link 1 assign rx_err_sysref_lemc_err[1] = `RX_REG_1.rx_err_sysref_lemc_err;
- Create the generation loops for the data and link error signals:
genvar i; // Pass/Fail Mechanism // generate for (i=0; i<LINK; i=i+1) begin: LINK_ERROR // Make sure interrupts do not assert always @(posedge mgmt_clk or negedge tx_rst_n) begin if(!tx_rst_n) tx_link_error_reg[i] <= 1'b0; else if (tx_link_error[i] !== 0) tx_link_error_reg[i] <= 1'b1; else tx_link_error_reg[i] <= tx_link_error_reg[i]; end always @(posedge mgmt_clk or negedge rx_rst_n) begin if(!rx_rst_n) rx_link_error_reg[i] <= 1'b0; else if (rx_link_error[i] !== 0) rx_link_error_reg[i] <= 1'b1; else rx_link_error_reg[i] <= rx_link_error_reg[i]; end always @ (posedge data_error or negedge rx_rst_n) begin if (!rx_rst_n) data_error_reg[i] <= 1'b0; else if (data_valid[i] === 1'b1) data_error_reg[i] <= 1'b1; end always @ (posedge cmd_data_error or negedge rx_rst_n) begin if (!rx_rst_n) cmd_data_error_reg[i] <= 1'b0; else if (cmd_data_valid[i] === 1'b1) cmd_data_error_reg[i] <= 1'b1; end end endgenerate
- To monitor the combined simulation results of the dual link, modify the test_passed assignment statement so that, if the IP in any of the links has an interrupt or error, the simulation reports failure:
assign test_passed = (|rx_avst_data!==0) & (|data_error_reg===1'b0) & (|cmd_data_error_reg===1'b0) & (|tx_link_error_reg===1'b0) & (|rx_link_error_reg===1'b0) & (sh_lock_out===1'b1) & (emb_lock_out===1'b1);
- Edit the criteria for displaying the link error message for data_error_reg, cmd_data_error_reg, tx_link_error_reg, and rx_link_error_reg signals so that, if the IP in any of the links has an interrupt, the simulation reports failure. Example:
wait(&data_valid===1'b1); //AND the valid signals wait(&cmd_data_valid===1'b1); //AND the valid signals if (&data_valid===1'b1) begin //AND the valid signals if (|data_error_reg===1'b1) begin //OR the error signals $display("Pattern Checker(s): Data error(s) found!"); end else begin $display("Pattern Checker(s): OK!"); end end else begin if (|rx_avst_data===0) begin //OR the valid signals $display("Pattern Checker(s): No valid data found!"); end else begin if (|data_error_reg===1'b1) begin //OR the error signals $display("Pattern Checker(s): Data error(s) found!"); end else begin $display("Pattern Checker(s): OK!"); end end end if (&cmd_data_valid===1'b1) begin //AND the valid signals if (|cmd_data_error_reg===1'b1) begin //OR the error signals $display("Command Channel Pattern Checker(s): Data error(s) found!"); end else begin $display("Command Channel Pattern Checker(s): OK!"); end end else begin if (|cmd_data===0) begin //OR the valid signals $display("Command Channel Pattern Checker(s): No valid data found!"); end else begin if (|cmd_data_error_reg===1'b1) begin //OR the error signals $display("Command Channel Pattern Checker(s): Data error(s) found!"); end else begin $display("Command Channel Pattern Checker(s): OK!"); end end end if (|tx_link_error_reg===1'b1) begin //OR the error signals $display("JESD204C Tx Core(s): Tx link error(s) found!"); end else begin $display("JESD204C Tx Core(s): OK!"); end if (|rx_link_error_reg===1'b1) begin //OR the error signals $display("JESD204C Rx Core(s): Rx link error(s) found!"); end else begin $display("JESD204C Rx Core(s): OK!"); end