Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration

ID 683499
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

1.4. Partial Reconfiguration Design Flow

Partial reconfiguration is based on the revision feature in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software. Your initial design is the base revision, where you define the boundaries of the static region and reconfigurable regions on the FPGA. From the base revision, you create multiple revisions, which contain the static region and describe the differences in the reconfigurable regions.

Two types of revisions are specific to partial reconfiguration: reconfigurable and aggregate. Both import the persona for the static region from the base revision. A reconfigurable revision generates personas for PR regions. An aggregate revision is used to combine personas from multiple reconfigurable revisions to create a complete design suitable for timing analysis.

The design flow for partial reconfiguration also utilizes the Intel® Quartus® Prime incremental compilation flow. To take advantage of incremental compilation for partial reconfiguration, you must organize your design into logical and physical partitions for synthesis and fitting. The partitions for which partial reconfiguration is enabled (PR partitions) must also have associated LogicLock assignments.

Revisions make use of personas, which are subsidiary archives describing the characteristics of both static and reconfigurable regions, that contain unique logic which implements a specific set of functions to reconfigure a PR region of the FPGA. Partial reconfiguration uses personas to pass this logic from one revision to another.

Figure 7. Partial Reconfiguration Design Flow

The PR design flow requires more initial planning than a standard design flow. Planning requires setting up the design logic for partitioning, and determining placement assignments to create a floorplan. Well-planned partitions can help improve design area utilization and performance, and make timing closure easier. You should also decide whether your system requires partial reconfiguration to originate from the FPGA pins or internally, and which mode you are using; the AND/OR mode or the SCRUB mode, because this influences some of the planning steps described in this section.

You must structure your source code or design hierarchy to ensure that logic is grouped correctly for optimization. Implementing the correct logic grouping early in the design cycle is more efficient than restructuring the code later. The PR flow requires you to be more rigorous about following good design practices. The guidelines for creating partitions for incremental compilation also include creating partitions for partial reconfiguration.

Use the following best practice guidelines for designing in the PR flow, which are described in detail in this section:

  • Determining resources for partial reconfiguration
  • Partitioning the design for partial reconfiguration
  • Creating incremental compilation partitions for partial reconfiguration
  • Instantiating the PR IP core in the design
  • Creating wrapper logic for PR regions
  • Creating freeze logic for PR regions
  • Planning clocks and other global signals for the PR design
  • Creating floorplan assignments for the PR design