Video and Vision Processing Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683329
Date 4/04/2022

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Document Table of Contents

23.5.1. Using Warp IP Software

  1. Initialize intel_vvp_warp driver instance
  2. Allocate warp video channel
  3. Configure the channel by providing video resolution, color space, base address of the framebuffer region in RAM and other required parameters
  4. Instantiate WarpConfigurator object (intel_vvp_warp_mesh), set input, output video resolutions and desired transforms
  5. Generate transformation mesh
  6. Instantiate WarpDataGenerator object (intel_vvp_warp_data)
  7. Instantiate WarpDataContext object (intel_vvp_warp_data) and fill it in using input, output video resolution and required IP parameters available through the warp channel structure
  8. Generate mesh, data and filter coefficients by calling WarpDataGenerator::GenerateData() method and passing the data context object and the transformation mesh
  9. Transfer generated coefficients to the designated RAM region accessible by the warp IP
  10. Instantiate and fill in an intel_vvp_warp_data_t structure object using the addresses of the coefficient data in RAM and other required parameter
  11. Apply new warp by calling intel_vvp_warp_apply_transform() method of the driver passing the warp channel and warp data structures as parameters.