Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 11/26/2024
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2.5.3. Report Timing By Source Files

The Timing Analyzer's Reports > Timing Slack > Report Timing By Source Files command allows you to specify settings to report the timing of any path or clock domain in the design, similar to Report Timing. However, Report Timing By Source Files groups the timing paths by the containing entity, and groups the entities by the source file that defines the entity.

This report allows you to attribute timing paths to exactly one instance in the design. The Path TNS column shows the sum of all negative slacks within a file or entity. The equivalent scripting command is report_timing_by_source_files.

From the report in the Timing Analyzer GUI, you can right-click on any source file to open it in a text editor to easily investigate timing paths within a particular source file.