Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Timing Analyzer

ID 683243
Date 11/26/2024
Document Table of Contents The Timing Netlist

The Timing Analyzer uses the timing netlist data to determine the data and clock arrival time versus required time for all timing paths in the design. Post-synthesis timing analysis utilizes a timing netlist that incorporates core blocks (including their internal logic) and peripheral blocks (excluding their internal details). The Timing Analyzer estimates pre-synthesis routing delays by using an average interconnect model that the Analysis & Elaboration compilation stage generates. You can generate the post-fit timing netlist in the Timing Analyzer any time after running the Fitter.

The following figures illustrate division of a simple design schematic into timing netlist delays.

Figure 1. Simple Design Schematic
Figure 2. Division of Elements into Timing Netlist Delays