Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Sparse Matrix Storage Formats

It is more efficient to store only the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix. There are a number of common storage formats used for sparse matrices, but most of them employ the same basic technique. That is, store all non-zero elements of the matrix into a linear array and provide auxiliary arrays to describe the locations of the non-zero elements in the original matrix.

Storage Formats for the Direct Sparse Solvers

Storing the non-zero elements of a sparse matrix into a linear array is done by walking down each column (column-major format) or across each row (row-major format) in order, and writing the non-zero elements to a linear array in the order they appear in the walk.

Sparse Matrix Storage Formats for Sparse BLAS Levels 2 and Level 3

These sections describe in detail the sparse matrix storage formats supported in the current version of the Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Sparse BLAS Level 2 and Level 3.