Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents


Returns the buffer size, in bytes, needed to pack data in Compact format.


MKL_INT mkl_sget_size_compact (MKL_INT ld, MKL_INT sd, MKL_COMPACT_PACK format, MKL_INT nm);

MKL_INT mkl_dget_size_compact (MKL_INT ld, MKL_INT sd, MKL_COMPACT_PACK format, MKL_INT nm);

MKL_INT mkl_cget_size_compact (MKL_INT ld, MKL_INT sd, MKL_COMPACT_PACK format, MKL_INT nm);

MKL_INT mkl_zget_size_compact (MKL_INT ld, MKL_INT sd, MKL_COMPACT_PACK format, MKL_INT nm);


The routine returns the buffer size, in bytes, required for mkl_?gepack_compact.

Input Parameters

Leading dimension of the matrices in Compact format.
Second dimension of the matrices in Compact format.
Describes the compact packing format according to the MKL_COMPACT_PACK enum type.
Total number of matrices to be packed in Compact format.

Application Notes:

Before calling this routine, mkl_?get_format_compact can be called to determine the optimal format.

After calling this routine and allocating the amount of memory indicated by size, the user can call mkl_?gepack_compact to pack the nm input matrices in Compact format.

Return Values

This function returns a value size.

size The buffer size, in bytes, required by the packing function mkl_?gepack_compact.