Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents


Computes the Jacobian matrix of the function using RCI and the central difference algorithm.


MKL_INT sjacobi_solve (_JACOBIMATRIX_HANDLE_t* handle, float* f1, float* f2, MKL_INT* RCI_Request);

MKL_INT djacobi_solve (_JACOBIMATRIX_HANDLE_t* handle, double* f1, double* f2, MKL_INT* RCI_Request);

Include Files

  • mkl.h


The ?jacobi_solve routine computes the Jacobian matrix of the function using RCI and the central difference algorothm.

See usage examples in the examples\solverc\source folderof your Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) directory. Specifically, see sjacobi_rci_c.c and djacobi_rci_c.c.

Input Parameters




Set to 0 before the first call to ?jacobi_solve.

Output Parameters


Contains the updated function values at x + eps.


Array of size m. Contains the updated function values at x - eps.


Provides information about the task completion. When equal to 0, the task has completed successfully.

RCI_Request= 1 indicates that you should compute the function values at the current x point and put the results into f1.

RCI_Request= 2 indicates that you should compute the function values at the current x point and put the results into f2.


Indicates the task completion status.

  • res = TR_SUCCESS - the routine completed the task normally.

  • res = TR_INVALID_OPTION - there was an error in the input parameters.

TR_SUCCESS and TR_INVALID_OPTION are defined in the mkl_rci.h include file.

See Also