Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-7C50E16A-B5DF-4BEE-A0C4-B29CF566341A
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-7C50E16A-B5DF-4BEE-A0C4-B29CF566341A
Generates random non-symmetric square matrices with specified eigenvalues.
void slatme (lapack_int *n, char *dist, lapack_int *iseed, float *d, lapack_int *mode, float *cond, float *dmax, char *ei, char *rsign, char *upper, char *sim, float *ds, lapack_int *modes, float *conds, lapack_int *kl, lapack_int *ku, float *anorm, float *a, lapack_int *lda, float *work, lapack_int *info);void dlatme (lapack_int *n, char *dist, lapack_int *iseed, double *d, lapack_int *mode, double *cond, double *dmax, char *ei, char *rsign, char *upper, char *sim, double *ds, lapack_int *modes, double *conds, lapack_int *kl, lapack_int *ku, double *anorm, double *a, lapack_int *lda, double *work, lapack_int *info);void clatme (lapack_int *n, char *dist, lapack_int *iseed, lapack_complex_float *d, lapack_int *mode, float *cond, lapack_complex_float *dmax, char *ei, char *rsign, char *upper, char *sim, float *ds, lapack_int *modes, float *conds, lapack_int *kl, lapack_int *ku, float *anorm, lapack_complex_float *a, lapack_int *lda, lapack_complex_float *work, lapack_int *info);void zlatme (lapack_int *n, char *dist, lapack_int *iseed, lapack_complex_double *d, lapack_int *mode, double *cond, lapack_complex_double *dmax, char *ei, char *rsign, char *upper, char *sim, double *ds, lapack_int *modes, double *conds, lapack_int *kl, lapack_int *ku, double *anorm, lapack_complex_double *a, lapack_int *lda, lapack_complex_double *work, lapack_int *info);
Include Files
- mkl.h
The ?latme routine generates random non-symmetric square matrices with specified eigenvalues. ?latme operates by applying the following sequence of operations:
Set the diagonal to d, where d may be input or computed according to mode, cond, dmax, and rsign as described below.
If upper = 'T', the upper triangle of a is set to random values out of distribution dist.
If sim='T', a is multiplied on the left by a random matrix X, whose singular values are specified by ds, modes, and conds, and on the right by X inverse.
If kl < n-1, the lower bandwidth is reduced to kl using Householder transformations. If ku < n-1, the upper bandwidth is reduced to ku.
If anorm is not negative, the matrix is scaled to have maximum-element-norm anorm.
Since the matrix cannot be reduced beyond Hessenberg form, no packing options are available.
Input Parameters
- n
The number of columns (or rows) of A.
- dist
On entry, dist specifies the type of distribution to be used to generate the random eigen-/singular values, and on the upper triangle (see upper).
If dist = 'U': uniform( 0, 1 )
If dist = 'S': uniform( -1, 1 )
If dist = 'N': normal( 0, 1 )
If dist = 'D': uniform on the complex disc |z| < 1.
- iseed
Array, size 4.
On entry iseed specifies the seed of the random number generator. The elements should lie between 0 and 4095 inclusive, and iseed[3] should be odd. The random number generator uses a linear congruential sequence limited to small integers, and so should produce machine independent random numbers.
- d
Array, size (n). This array is used to specify the eigenvalues of A.
If mode = 0, then d is assumed to contain the eigenvalues. Otherwise they are computed according to mode, cond, dmax, and rsign and placed in d.
- mode
On entry mode describes how the eigenvalues are to be specified:
mode = 0 means use d (with ei for slatme and dlatme) as input.
mode = 1 sets d[0] = 1 and d(2:n]=1.0/cond.
mode = 2 sets d[0:n - 2] = 1 and d[n - 1]=1.0/cond.
mode = 3 sets d[i - 1] = cond**(-(i-1)/(n-1)).
mode = 4 sets d[i - 1] = 1 - (i-1)/(n-1)*(1 - 1/cond).
mode = 5 sets d to random numbers in the range ( 1/cond , 1 ) such that their logarithms are uniformly distributed.
mode = 6 sets d to random numbers from same distribution as the rest of the matrix.
mode < 0 has the same meaning as abs(mode), except that the order of the elements of d is reversed.
Thus if mode is between 1 and 4, d has entries ranging from 1 to 1/cond, if between -1 and -4, d has entries ranging from 1/cond to 1.
- cond
On entry, this is used as described under mode above. If used, it must be ≥ 1.
- dmax
If mode is not -6, 0 or 6, the contents of d as computed according to mode and cond are scaled by dmax / max(abs(d[i - 1])). Note that dmax needs not be positive or real: if dmax is negative or complex (or zero), d will be scaled by a negative or complex number (or zero). If rsign='F' then the largest (absolute) eigenvalue will be equal to dmax.
- ei
Used by slatme and dlatme only.
Array, size (n).
If mode = 0, and ei[0]is not ' ' (space character), this array specifies which elements of d (on input) are real eigenvalues and which are the real and imaginary parts of a complex conjugate pair of eigenvalues. The elements of ei may then only have the values 'R' and 'I'.
If ei[j - 1] = 'R' and ei[j] = 'I', then the j -th eigenvalue is cmplx( d[j - 1] , d[j] ), and the (j +1)-th is the complex conjugate thereof.
If ei[j - 1] = ei[j]='R', then the j-th eigenvalue is d[j - 1] (i.e., real). ei[0] may not be 'I', nor may two adjacent elements of ei both have the value 'I'.
If mode is not 0, then ei is ignored. If mode is 0 and ei[0] = ' ', then the eigenvalues will all be real.
- rsign
If mode is not 0, 6, or -6, and rsign = 'T', then the elements of d, as computed according to mode and cond, are multiplied by a random sign (+1 or -1) for slatme and dlatme or by a complex number from the unit circle |z| = 1 for clatme and zlatme.
If rsign = 'F', the elements of d are not multiplied. rsign may only have the values 'T' or 'F'.
- upper
If upper = 'T', then the elements of a above the diagonal will be set to random numbers out of dist.
If upper = 'F', they will not. upper may only have the values 'T' or 'F'.
- sim
If sim = 'T', then a will be operated on by a "similarity transform", i.e., multiplied on the left by a matrix X and on the right by X inverse. X = USV, where U and V are random unitary matrices and S is a (diagonal) matrix of singular values specified by ds, modes, and conds.
If sim = 'F', then a will not be transformed.
- ds
This array is used to specify the singular values of X, in the same way that d specifies the eigenvalues of a. If mode = 0, the ds contains the singular values, which may not be zero.
- modes
Similar to mode, but for specifying the diagonal of S. modes = -6 and +6 are not allowed (since they would result in randomly ill-conditioned eigenvalues.)
- conds
Similar to cond, but for specifying the diagonal of S.
- kl
This specifies the lower bandwidth of the matrix. kl = 1 specifies upper Hessenberg form. If kl is at least n-1, then A will have full lower bandwidth.
- ku
This specifies the upper bandwidth of the matrix. ku = 1 specifies lower Hessenberg form.
If ku is at least n-1, then a will have full upper bandwidth.
If ku and ku are both at least n-1, then a will be dense. Only one of ku and kl may be less than n-1.
- anorm
If anorm is not negative, then a is scaled by a non-negative real number to make the maximum-element-norm of a to be anorm.
- lda
Number of rows of matrix A.
- work
Array, size (3*n). Workspace.
Output Parameters
- iseed
On exit, the seed is updated.
- d
Modified if mode is nonzero.
- ds
Modified if mode is nonzero.
- a
Array, size lda*n. On exit, a is the desired test matrix.
- info
If info = 0, execution is successful.
If info = -1, n is negative .
If info = -2, dist is an illegal string.
If info = -5, mode is not in range -6 to 6.
If info = -6, cond is less than 1.0, and mode is not -6, 0, or 6 .
If info = -9, rsign is not 'T' or 'F' .
If info = -10, upper is not 'T' or 'F'.
If info = -11, sim is not 'T' or 'F'.
If info = -12, modes = 0 and ds has a zero singular value.
If info = -13, modes is not in the range -5 to 5.
If info = -14, modes is nonzero and conds is less than 1. .
If info = -15, kl is less than 1.
If info = -16, ku is less than 1, or kl and ku are both less than n-1.
If info = -19, lda is less than m.
If info = 1, error return from ?latm1 (computing d) .
If info = 2, cannot scale to dmax (max. eigenvalue is 0) .
If info = 3, error return from slatm1(for slatme and clatme), dlatm1 (for dlatme and zlatme) .
If info = 4, error return from ?large.
If info = 5, zero singular value from slatm1(for slatme and clatme), dlatm1(for dlatme and zlatme).