Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents

Convolution and Correlation Naming Conventions

The names of routines, types, and constants in the convolution and correlation API are case-sensitive and can contain both lowercase and uppercase characters (vslsConvExec).

The names of routines have the following structure:

vsl[datatype]{Conv|Corr}<base name>   


  • vsl is a prefix indicating that the routine belongs to Intel® MKL Vector Statistics.

  • [datatype] is optional. If present, the symbol specifies the type of the input and output data and can be s (for single precision real type), d (for double precision real type), c (for single precision complex type), or z (for double precision complex type).

  • Conv or Corr specifies whether the routine refers to convolution or correlation task, respectively.

  • <base name> field specifies a particular functionality that the routine is designed for, for example, NewTask, DeleteTask.