Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 6/24/2024
Document Table of Contents


Finds a new relatively robust representation such that at least one of the eigenvalues is relatively isolated.


void slarrf2(MKL_INT* n, float* d, float* l, float* ld, MKL_INT* clstrt, MKL_INT* clend, MKL_INT* clmid1, MKL_INT* clmid2, float* w, float* wgap, float* werr, MKL_INT* trymid, float* spdiam, float* clgapl, float* clgapr, float* pivmin, float* sigma, float* dplus, float* lplus, float* work, MKL_INT* info);

void dlarrf2(MKL_INT* n, double* d, double* l, double* ld, MKL_INT* clstrt, MKL_INT* clend, MKL_INT* clmid1, MKL_INT* clmid2, double* w, double* wgap, double* werr, MKL_INT* trymid, double* spdiam, double* clgapl, double* clgapr, double* pivmin, double* sigma, double* dplus, double* lplus, double* work, MKL_INT* info);

Include Files

  • mkl_scalapack.h


Given the initial representation LDLT and its cluster of close eigenvalues (in a relative measure), defined by the indices of the first and last eigenvalues in the cluster, ?larrf2 finds a new relatively robust representation LDLT - σ I = L+D+L+T such that at least one of the eigenvalues of L+D+L+T is relatively isolated.

This is an enhanced version of ?larrf that also tries shifts in the middle of the cluster, should there be a large gap, in order to break large clusters into at least two pieces.

Input Parameters


The order of the matrix (subblock, if the matrix was split).


Array of size n

The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D.


Array of size n-1

The (n-1) subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal matrix L.


Array of size n-1

The (n-1) elements l[i]*d[i].


The index of the first eigenvalue in the cluster.


The index of the last eigenvalue in the cluster.

clmid1, clmid2

The index of a middle eigenvalue pair with large gap.


Array of size (clend-clstrt+1)

The eigenvalue approximations of LD LT in ascending order. w[clstrt - 1] through w[clend - 1] form the cluster of relatively close eigenalues.


Array of size (clend-clstrt+1)

The separation from the right neighbor eigenvalue in w.


Array of size (clend-clstrt+1)

werr contains the semiwidth of the uncertainty interval of the corresponding eigenvalue approximation in w.


Estimate of the spectral diameter obtained from the Gerschgorin intervals

clgapl, clgapr

Absolute gap on each end of the cluster.

Set by the calling function to protect against shifts too close to eigenvalues outside the cluster.


The minimum pivot allowed in the Sturm sequence.


Workspace array of size 2*n

OUTPUT Parameters


Contains refined values of its input approximations. Very small gaps are unchanged.


The shift (σ) used to form L+D+L+T.


Array of size n

The n diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D+.


Array of size n-1

The first (n-1) elements of lplus contain the subdiagonal elements of the unit bidiagonal matrix L+.

See Also