Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-A1D59778-1319-499F-9C14-0CC3693138DD
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-A1D59778-1319-499F-9C14-0CC3693138DD
Robot Tutorials
Follow the tutorials in this section to learn how to use and configure Edge Insights for Autonomous Mobile Robots (EI for AMR).
With step-by-step instructions covering real world usage scenarios, tutorials provide a learning path for developers to follow for mastering the usage of Edge Insights for Autonomous Mobile Robots.
Get started in your learning journey with the Run a ROS 2 Sample Application in the Docker* Container tutorial, and continue with the other tutorials.
You can execute the following sample applications on the eiforamr-full-flavour-sdk container.
- Run a ROS 2 Sample Application in the Docker* Container
- Run an Intel® RealSense™ ROS 2 Sample Application in Docker* Container
- Run a GStreamer* Video Pipeline using GStreamer* Plugins in Docker* Container
- Run a GStreamer* Audio Pipeline using GStreamer* Plugins in Docker* Container
- Run a GStreamer* Video Pipeline using libv4l2 in Docker* Container
- Run a GStreamer* Video Pipeline using the Intel® RealSense™ Plugin in the Docker* Container
- Optional (Only for Sony* IMX390 Setups): Run a GStreamer* Video Pipeline using Sony’s IMX390 MIPI Sensor in Docker* Container
- Run OpenVINO™ Sample Applications in Docker* Container
- Run ROS 2 OpenVINO™ Toolkit Sample Applications in Docker* Container
- Run Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit Sample Applications in Docker* Container
- Run Profiling Application in Docker* Container with VTune™ Profiler
- Run OpenVINO™ Benchmarking Tool
- Run the ADBSCAN Algorithm
- Launch Wandering Application with Gazebo* Simulation
- Launch Wandering Application on AAEON* Robot Kit
- Launch Cartographer with 2D LIDAR
- Run FastMapping Algorithm
- Run ROS 2 Navigation Sample Applications Using the ITS Path Planner Plugin in a Docker* Container
- ITS Path Planner Plugin Customization
- Run the Edge Insights for Autonomous Mobile Robots Container in KVM Guest
- Run a Collaborative SLAM System
- Build New and Custom Docker* Images from the Edge Insights for Autonomous Mobile Robots SDK
- Troubleshooting for Robot Tutorials