Cyclone® V to Agilex™ 5 Device Migration Guide

ID 787947
Date 9/30/2024

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4.3.1. Restoring an Archived Cyclone® V Design in the QAR Format

Perform the following steps to restore the top_cv.qar file:
  1. Launch the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.
  2. Click Project > Restore Archived Project.
    1. Set the Archive name by searching the top_cv.qar file.
    2. Set the Destination folder as the folder containing the top_cv.qar file.

    The Select Family dialog appears.

  3. Select Agilex 5.
  4. Select the Remove all family-specific assignments checkbox to remove the pin assignments from the previous Cyclone® V device.
  5. Click OK.
Figure 12. Select Family Dialog
Note: Because opening a .qar file of an Quartus® Prime Standard Edition version project with the set board ( Cyclone® V), the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software prompts you to choose from the list of boards that the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition supports.