Agilex™ 7 FPGA M-Series HBM2e Development Kit User Guide

ID 782461
Date 12/04/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.3.1. Restoring Board QSPI Flash with Default Factory Image

Note: The QSPI flash is pre-programmed with 4 pages of images. Follow the steps to overwrite the Avalon® streaming interface x8 configuration mode image.
  1. Ensure that MSEL[2:0] is OFF (JTAG mode) before powering up the board.
  2. Open Quartus® Prime Programmer GUI, detect JTAG chain.
  3. Change VTAP10 to 10M50DAF256, attach flash device of QSPI_2Gb.
  4. Attach the Avalon® streaming interface x8 configuration mode image to QSPI_2Gb.
  5. Select program/configure options and click Start button.
  6. Power off the board after programming the flash successfully, set MSEL[2:0] OFF OFF ON ( Avalon® streaming interface x8 configuration mode).