Visible to Intel only — GUID: ojx1645697088545
1. Overview
2. Getting Started
3. Development Kit Setup
4. Board Test System
5. Development Kit Hardware and Configuration
6. Custom Projects for the Development Kit
7. Document Revision History for the Agilex™ 7 FPGA M-Series HBM2e Development Kit User Guide
A. Development Kit Components
B. Developer Resources
C. Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ojx1645697088545
3.3.1. Restoring Board QSPI Flash with Default Factory Image
Note: The QSPI flash is pre-programmed with 4 pages of images. Follow the steps to overwrite the Avalon® streaming interface x8 configuration mode image.
- Ensure that MSEL[2:0] is OFF (JTAG mode) before powering up the board.
- Open Quartus® Prime Programmer GUI, detect JTAG chain.
- Change VTAP10 to 10M50DAF256, attach flash device of QSPI_2Gb.
- Attach the Avalon® streaming interface x8 configuration mode image to QSPI_2Gb.
- Select program/configure options and click Start button.
- Power off the board after programming the flash successfully, set MSEL[2:0] OFF OFF ON ( Avalon® streaming interface x8 configuration mode).