AN 994: Drive-on-Chip Design Example for Intel Agilex® 7 Devices

ID 780361
Date 6/26/2023
Document Table of Contents

3.1. Software Requirements for the Drive-on-Chip Design Example for Intel Agilex 7 Devices

The Intel FPGA Complete Design Suite version 23.1, which includes:

  • Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition Design Software v23.1
  • Intel Agilex® 7 device support.
  • Intel FPGA Nios V/g Open Source Tools 23.1 (installed with Intel Quartus Prime).
  • MATLAB 2021b with Simulink (Optional).
  • DSP Builder Advanced for Intel FPGAs Pro Edition v23.1 (optional).

Python GUI:

  • Python 3.10.5
  • Pip 22.2.2
  • Python libraries: Pyside6(6.3.2), pyqtgraph(0.13.1), numpy(6.3.2), Python Standard Libraries: traceback, sys, re, math, struct, subprocess, os, time, threading.