AN 994: Drive-on-Chip Design Example for Intel Agilex® 7 Devices

ID 780361
Date 6/26/2023
Document Table of Contents

8. Signals

The signals connect various blocks in the Drive-on-Chip Design Example for Intel Agilex 7 Devices.
Table 12.  Six-Channel PWM Interface Signals
Signal Name Direction Description
Avalon memory-mapped Interface Signals
sys_clk Input PWM and system clock input
reset_n Input System reset signal, active low
avs_read_n Input Avalon memory-mapped read strobe, active low
avs_write_n Input Avalon memory-mapped write strobe, active low
avs_address[3:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped address bus
avs_writedata[31:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped write data bus
avs_readdata[31:0] Output Avalon memory-mapped read data bus
Conduit Signals
pwm_clk Input PWM carrier clock.
pwm_reset_n Input Reset signal, active low.
pwm_control[2:0] Input

en_upper: upper switch enable from drive system monitor.

en_lower: lower switch enable from drive system monitor.

pwm_enable: PWM enable from drive system monitor

vu_pwm Input PWM value for phase U voltage
vv_pwm Input PWM value for hase V voltage
vw_pwm Input PWM value for hase W voltage
u_h Output Motor phase phase U upper gate drive
u_l Output Motor phase phase U lower gate drive
v_h Output Motor phase phase V upper gate drive
v_l Output Motor phase phase V lower gate drive
w_h Output Motor phase phase W upper gate drive
w_l Output Motor phase phase W lower gate drive
sync_in Input Synchronization signal for multiple PWM modules
sync_out Output Synchronization signal for multiple PWM modules
encoder_strobe_n Output Strobe signal for encoder.
start_adc Output ADC start conversion signal
Table 13.  Drive System Monitor Interface Signals
Signal Name Direction Description
Avalon memory-mapped Interface Signals
clk Input FPGA system clock input
reset_n Input System reset signal, active low
avs_read_n Input Avalon memory-mapped read strobe, active low
avs_write_n Input Avalon memory-mapped write strobe, active low
avs_address[0:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped address bus
avs_writedata[31:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped write data bus
avs_readdata[31:0] Output Avalon memory-mapped read data bus
Conduit Signals
overcurrent Input Overcurrent status
overvoltage Input Overvoltage status
undervoltage Input Undervoltage status
chopper Input Chopper status
dc_link_clk_err Input Clock monitor status
mosfet_err Input MOSFET transistor error status
error_out Output Error output
overcurrent_latch Output Latched overcurrent status
overvoltage_latch Output Latched overvoltage status
undervoltage_latch Output Latched undervoltage status
dc_link_clk_err_latch Output Latched clock monitor status
mosfet_err_latch Output Latched MOSFET error status
chopper_latch Output Latched chopper status
pwm_control[2:0] Output PWM control
Table 14.  Quadrature Encoder Interface Signals
Signal Name Direction Description
Avalon memory-mapped Interface Signals
clk Input FPGA system clock input
reset_n Input System reset signal, active low
avs_read_n Input Avalon memory-mapped read strobe, active low
avs_write_n Input Avalon memory-mapped write strobe, active low
avs_address[3:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped address bus
avs_writedata[31:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped write data bus
avs_readdata[31:0] Output Avalon memory-mapped read data bus
Conduit Signals
strobe Input Capture strobe
QEP_A Input Quadrature phase A
QEP_B Input Quadrature phase B
QEP_I Input Quadrature index
Table 15.  Sigma-Delta ADC Interface Signals
Signal Name Direction Description
Avalon memory-mapped Interface Signals
clk Input FPGA system clock input
clk_adc Input ADC clock input
reset_n Input System reset signal, active low
avs_read_n Input Avalon memory-mapped read strobe, active low
avs_write_n Input Avalon memory-mapped write strobe, active low
avs_address[3:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped address bus
avs_writedata[31:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped write data bus
avs_readdata[31:0] Output Avalon memory-mapped read data bus
avs_irq Output Interrupt request
Conduit Signals
start Input Start conversion signal
sync_dat_u Input Phase U sigma-delta bitstream
sync_dat_v Input Phase V sigma-delta bitstream
sync_dat_w Input Phase W sigma-delta bitstream
Iu_reg[15:0] Output Registers to hold synchronized phase U current
Iw_reg[15:0] Output Registers to hold synchronized phase W current
Iu_reg_156[15:0] Output Registers to hold free running phase U current, not in use.
Iw_reg_156[15:0] Output Registers to hold free running phase W current, not in use.
overcurrent Output Overcurrent status
Table 16.  FOC Subsystem Interface Signals
Signal Name Direction Description
Avalon memory-mapped Interface Signals
clk Input FPGA system clock input
areset Input System reset signal, asynchronous active low
h_areset Input System reset signal, asynchronous active high
avs_read_n Input Avalon memory-mapped read strobe, active low
avs_write_n Input Avalon memory-mapped write strobe, active low
avs_address[5:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped address bus
avs_writedata[31:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped write data bus
avs_readdata[31:0] Output Avalon memory-mapped read data bus
readdatavalid Output Avalon memory-mapped read valid signal
waitrequest Output Avalon memory-mapped wait request signal
Conduit Signals
Iu[15:0] Input Phase U current phase U current
Iw[15:0] Input Phase W current phase W current
vu_pwm Output PWM value for phase U voltage
vv_pwm Output PWM value for phase V voltage
vw_pwm Output PWM value for phase W voltage
Table 17.   Motor and Power Board Model Interface Signals
Signal Name Direction Description
Avalon memory-mapped Interface Signals
clk Input PWM and system clock input
areset Input System reset signal, active high
h_areset Input DSP delay reset signal, active high
avs_read_n Input Avalon memory-mapped read strobe, active low
avs_write_n Input Avalon memory-mapped write strobe, active low
avs_address[5:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped address bus
avs_writedata[31:0] Input Avalon memory-mapped write data bus
avs_readdata[31:0] Output Avalon memory-mapped read data bus
readdatavalid Output Avalon memory-mapped read valid signal
waitrequest Output Avalon memory-mapped wait request signal
Conduit Signals
u_h Input Motor phase phase U upper gate drive
u_l Input Motor phase phase U lower gate drive
v_h Input Motor phase phase V upper gate drive
v_l Input Motor phase phase V lower gate drive
w_h Input Motor phase phase W upper gate drive
w_l Input Motor phase phase W lower gate drive
ia_sd Output Phase current A for sigma-delta ADC
ib_sd Output Phase current B for sigma-delta ADC
ic_sd Output Phase current C for sigma-delta ADC
Va_sd Output Phase voltage A for sigma-delta ADC
Vb_sd Output Phase voltage B for sigma-delta ADC
Vc_sd Output Phase voltage C for sigma-delta ADC
QEP_A Output Quadrature phase A
QEP_B Output Quadrature phase B
Theta_one_turn_k [15:0] Output Angular displacement per one turn at the k-th step, data type: ufix16_en16
V_DC_link_sd Output Motor input voltage for sigma-delta ADC