AN 994: Drive-on-Chip Design Example for Intel Agilex® 7 Devices

ID 780361
Date 6/26/2023
Document Table of Contents

3.7.5. Monitoring Performance

The Drive-on-Chip Design Example offers many way to monitor the performance.
  1. On the Trace area, under Trigger Signal, select the signal you want to trigger the trace data capture. If you select Always, the trigger is always active.
  2. Under Trigger Edge, select a trigger type:
    • Level (trigger signal must match this value)
    • Rising Edge (trigger signal must transition from below to above this value)
    • Falling Edge (trigger signal must transition from above to below this value)
    • Either Edge (triggers on both falling and rising edge conditions).
  3. Under Trigger Value, select the value that Trigger Edge uses to compare the signal value against.
  4. Click Update Trigger, if you update the Trigger Value.
  5. Under Trace Depth, select the number of samples to capture and display.
    The GUI can store up to 4,096 samples. Select a lower number of samples to make The GUI update rate faster, and zoom in on the graph as the graph scale autosizes to the number of samples.
  6. Specify a Trace Filename.
    The GUI saves the trace data saved to a .csv file.
  7. Click Start Trace to start the trace; click Disable Trace to stop the trace.
  8. Click Dump Data To CSV.