Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024

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2.1.1. Signal Tap Hardware and Software Requirements

All editions of the Quartus® Prime design software include the Signal Tap logic analyzer GUI and Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Intel® FPGA IP. The Signal Tap logic analyzer is also available as a stand-alone application.

During data acquisition, the memory blocks in the FPGA device store the captured data, and then transfer the data to the Signal Tap logic analyzer over a JTAG communication cable, such as Intel® FPGA Ethernet Cable or Intel® FPGA Download Cable.

The Signal Tap logic analyzer requires the following hardware and software to perform logic analysis:

  • The Signal Tap logic analyzer included with the Quartus® Prime software, or the Signal Tap logic analyzer standalone software and standalone Programmer software.
  • An Intel® FPGA download or communications cable.
  • An Intel® development kit, or your own design board with a JTAG connection to the device under test.