Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Enabling a Power-Up Trigger

To enable the Power-Up Trigger for Signal Tap instance:

In the Instance Manager, right-click the Signal Tap instance and click Enable Power-Up Trigger.
Figure 50. Enabling Power-Up Trigger in Signal Tap Instance Manager

Power-Up Trigger appears as a child instance of the selected Signal Tap instance. The first time you enable Power-Up Trigger, the Trigger conditions column in the Setup tab is populated with the default values. Subsequently, when you disable Power-Up Trigger, the current values in the Setup tab is retrieved the next time you re-enable Power-Up Trigger.

To disable a Power-Up Trigger, right-click the instance and click Disable Power-Up Trigger.