Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Eye Viewer

The System Console Eye Viewer allows you to configure, run, and render eye scans. The Eye Viewer allows independent control of the eye for each transceiver instance. System Console allows you to open only one Eye Viewer per-instance channel pair at any given time. Therefore, there is a one-to-one mapping of a given Eye Viewer GUI to a given instance of the eye capture hardware on the FPGA. Click Tools > Eye Viewer to launch the Eye Viewer.

Eye Viewer Controls

The Eye Viewer controls allow you to configure toolkit-specific settings for the current Eye Viewer scan. The parameters in the Eye Viewer affect the behavior and details of the eye scan run.

Start / Stop Controls

The Eye Viewer provides Start and Stop controls. The Start button starts the eye scanning process while the Stop button cancels an incomplete scan.

Note: The actual scanning controls, configurations, and metrics shown with the Eye Viewer vary by toolkit.

Eye Diagram Visualization

The eye diagram displays the transceiver eye captured from on-die instrumentation (ODI) with a color gradient.

Figure 118. Eye Viewer (E-Tile Transceiver Native PHY Toolkit Example)

Results Table

The Results table displays results and statistics of all eye scans. While an eye scan is running, you cannot view any partial results. However, there is a progress bar showing the current progress of the eye scan underway.

When an eye scan successfully completes, a new entry appears in the Results table, and that entry automatically gains focus. When you select a given entry in the Results table, the eye diagram renders the associated eye data. You can right-click in the Results table to do the following:

  • Apply the test case parameters to the device
  • Delete an entry

If developing your own toolkit that includes the Eye Viewer, the BER gradient is configurable, and the eye diagram GUI supports the following features:

  • A BER tool-tip for each cell
  • Ability to export the map as PNG
  • Zoom