Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683819
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Performing Data Acquisition in a PR design

After generating the .sof and .rbf files for the revisions you want to debug, you are ready to program your device and debug with the Signal Tap logic analyzer.

To perform data acquisition:

  1. Program the base image into your device.
  2. Partially reconfigure the device with the persona that you want to debug.
  3. Open the Signal Tap logic analyzer by clicking Tools > Signal Tap logic analyzer in the Quartus® Prime software.
    The logic analyzer opens and loads the .stp file set in the current active revision.
  4. To debug other regions in your design, open new Signal Tap windows by opening the other region's .stp file from the Quartus® Prime main window.

    Alternatively, use the command-line:

    quartus_stpw <stp_file_other_region.stp>
  5. Debug your design with Signal Tap.
To debug another revision, you must partially reconfigure your design with the corresponding .rbf file.