HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683798
Date 10/02/2023

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Document Table of Contents Sink HDMI Vendor Specific InfoFrame (VSI)

Table 50.  Sink HDMI Vendor Specific InfoFrame Bit-FieldsThe table below lists the bit-fields for VSI (as described in HDMI 1.4b Specification Section 8.2.3).

The signal bundle is clocked by ls_clk for Support FRL=0 and tx_clk when Support FRL=1.

Bit-field Name Description
4:0 Length Length of HDMI VSI payload
12:5 Checksum Checksum
36:13 IEEE 24-bit IEEE registration identifier (0×000C03)
41:37 Reserved Reserved (0)
44:42 HDMI_Video_Format Structure of extended video formats exclusively defined in HDMI 1.4b Specification
52:45 HDMI_VIC or 3D_Structure
  • If HDMI_Video_Format = 3’h1, [52:45] = HDMI proprietary video format identification code
  • If HDMI_Video_Format = 3’h2, [52:49] = 3D_Structure and [48:45] = Reserved (0)
56:53 Reserved Reserved (0)
60:57 3D_Ext_Data 3D extended data