Intel® Agilex™ General-Purpose I/O and LVDS SERDES User Guide

ID 683780
Date 10/29/2021

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4.6.1. Initializing the LVDS SERDES IP in Non-DPA Mode

The PLL is operational after it achieves lock in user mode. Before transferring data using SERDES block with the LVDS SERDES IP, ensure that the PLL is locked to the reference clock.

Intel recommends that you follow these steps to initialize the LVDS SERDES IP in non-DPA mode:

  1. During entry into user mode, assert the pll_areset signal for at least 10 ns.
    You can also perform this step at any time in user mode operation to reset the interface.
  2. After at least 10 ns, deassert the pll_areset signal and monitor the pll_locked port.
    In external PLL mode, you may observe a delay between the ext_pll_locked and pll_locked signals assertion. The ext_pll_locked signal asserts when the external PLL is locked while the pll_locked signal asserts after the external PLL and CPA are locked. Always use the pll_locked signal to determine that the SERDES block is ready for operation.
After the PLL lock port from the LVDS SERDES IP asserts and becomes stable, the SERDES blocks are ready for operation.
After the initialization, you can proceed to align the word boundaries (bitslip).