Visible to Intel only — GUID: ggu1560232895997
1. Intel® Agilex™ General-Purpose I/O and LVDS SERDES Overview
2. Intel® Agilex™ I/O Features and Usage
3. Intel® Agilex™ I/O Termination
4. Intel® Agilex™ High-Speed SERDES I/O Architecture
5. I/O and LVDS SERDES Design Guidelines
6. Troubleshooting Guidelines
7. Documentation Related to the Intel® Agilex™ General-Purpose I/O and LVDS SERDES User Guide
8. Intel® Agilex™ General-Purpose I/O and LVDS SERDES User Guide Archives
9. Document Revision History for the Intel® Agilex™ General-Purpose I/O and LVDS SERDES User Guide
2.2.1. Programmable Output Slew Rate Control
2.2.2. Programmable IOE Delay
2.2.3. Programmable Open-Drain Output
2.2.4. Programmable Bus-Hold
2.2.5. Programmable Pull-Up Resistor
2.2.6. Programmable Pre-emphasis
2.2.7. Programmable De-emphasis
2.2.8. Programmable Differential Output Voltage
2.2.9. Schmitt Trigger Input Buffer
4.1. Intel® Agilex™ High-Speed SERDES I/O Overview
4.2. Using LVDS SERDES Intel FPGA IP for High-Speed LVDS I/O Implementation
4.3. Intel® Agilex™ LVDS SERDES Transmitter
4.4. Intel® Agilex™ LVDS SERDES Receiver
4.5. Intel® Agilex™ LVDS Interface with External PLL Mode
4.6. LVDS SERDES IP Initialization and Reset
4.7. Intel® Agilex™ LVDS SERDES Source-Synchronous Timing Budget
4.8. LVDS SERDES IP Timing
4.9. LVDS SERDES IP Design Examples
5.1.1. VREF Sources and VREF Pins
5.1.2. I/O Standards Implementation based on VCCIO_PIO Voltages
5.1.3. OCT Calibration Block Requirement
5.1.4. Placement Requirements
5.1.5. Simultaneous Switching Noise (SSN)
5.1.6. Special Pins Requirement
5.1.7. External Memory Interface Pin Placement Requirements
5.1.8. HPS Shared I/O Requirements
5.1.9. Clocking Requirements
5.1.10. SDM Shared I/O Requirements
5.1.11. Configuration Pins
5.1.12. Unused Pins
5.1.13. Voltage Setting for Unused I/O Banks
5.1.14. Guidelines for I/O Pins in GPIO, HPS, and SDM Banks During Power Sequencing
5.1.15. Drive Strength Requirement for GPIO Input Pins
5.1.16. Maximum DC Current Restrictions
5.1.17. 1.2 V I/O Interface Voltage Level Compatibility
5.1.18. GPIO Pins for Avalon-ST Configuration Scheme
5.1.19. Maximum True Differential Signaling RX Pairs Per I/O Lane
5.1.20. I/O Simulation
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ggu1560232895997
Ixiasoft Generating the GPIO Intel FPGA IP ( Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition)
Double-click the GPIO Intel FPGA IP in the IP Catalog to launch the parameter editor. The parameter editor allows you to define a custom variation of the IP. The parameter editor generates the IP variation synthesis and optional simulation files, and adds the .ip file representing the variation to your project automatically.
Follow these steps to locate, instantiate, and customize the IP in the parameter editor:
- Create or open an Intel® Quartus® Prime project (.qpf) to contain the instantiated IP variation.
- In the IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog), locate and double-click the GPIO Intel FPGA IP to customize.
- Specify a top-level name for your custom IP variation. Do not include spaces in IP variation names or paths. The parameter editor saves the IP variation settings in a file named <your_ip> .ip. Click OK. The parameter editor appears.
Figure 13. GPIO Intel FPGA IP Parameter Editor
- Set the parameter values in the parameter editor and view the block diagram for the component. The Parameterization Messages tab at the bottom displays any errors in IP parameters.
- Click Generate HDL. The Generation dialog box appears.
- Specify output file generation options, and then click Generate. The synthesis and simulation files generate according to your specifications.
- To generate a simulation testbench, click Generate > Generate Testbench System. Specify testbench generation options, and then click Generate.
- To generate an HDL instantiation template that you can copy and paste into your text editor, click Generate > Show Instantiation Template.
- Click Finish. Click Yes if prompted to add files representing the IP variation to your project.
- After generating and instantiating your IP variation, make appropriate pin assignments to connect ports.