E-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683723
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

B. PMA Direct PAM4 30 Gbps to 57.8 Gbps Implementation

The PAM4 modulation scheme can help you achieve greater Ethernet speeds such as 200G/400G with efficiency and quality. Many protocol standards currently use the PAM4 coding scheme, such as 400GBASE-SR16, 200GBASE-KR4, and 100GBASE-CR2.

This chapter introduces a design example using a PMA direct PAM4 57.8 Gbps 12-channel design. The flow guides you through the following elements:

  • Quartus® Prime Pro Edition IP instantiation
  • Pin assignment
  • Compilation
  • Board bring up
  • Debug tool introduction