E-Tile Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 683723
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.2.1. Disabling the E-Tile Transceiver

Use the steps below when both digital and analog resets are needed. Changing the data rate is an example of when both digital and analog resets are needed.
  1. Assert the digital reset controller. See High Level Specification for the ports and sequence.
  2. Wait for the Native PHY's tx_ready/rx_ready outputs to deassert.
  3. Disable the PMA on the Avalon® memory-mapped interface reconfiguration bus using PMA attribute code 0x0001. The PMA's TX, RX, or both TX and RX can be disabled.
  4. Wait for the Native PHY IP’s tx_pma_ready/rx_pma_ready output to deassert.
  5. If conditions exist that require a PMA Analog Reset, assert the PMA analog reset then load the new PMA settings.
  6. Enable the PMA using PMA attribute code 0x0001.
  7. Wait for the Native PHY IP's tx_pma_ready/rx_pma_ready to assert.
  8. Deassert the digital reset controller. See High Level Specification for the ports and sequence.
The tx_pma_ready/rx_pma_ready assert after the PMA finishes reconfiguration, followed by the rx_is_lockedtodata output. Finally, the tx_ready/rx_ready outputs assert to indicate the transceiver channels have finished reset.