Arria® 10 Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683461
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents Programming EPCQ-L Devices

You can program EPCQ-L devices in-system using an Intel FPGA download cable. Alternatively, you can program the EPCQ-L using a microprocessor with the SRunner software driver.

In-system programming (ISP) offers you the option to program the EPCQ-L either using an AS programming interface or a JTAG interface. Using the AS programming interface, the configuration data is programmed into the EPCQ-L by the Quartus® Prime software or any supported third-party software. Using the JTAG interface, an Altera FPGA IP called the SFL IP core must be downloaded into the Arria® 10 device to form a bridge between the JTAG interface and the EPCQ-L. This allows the EPCQ-L to be programmed directly using the JTAG interface.

Programming EPCQ-L Using the JTAG Interface

To program an EPCQ-L device using the JTAG interface, connect the device as shown in the following figure.

Figure 137. Connection Setup for Programming the EPCQ-L Using the JTAG Interface

Programming EPCQ-L Using the Active Serial Interface

To program an EPCQ-L device using the AS interface, connect the device as shown in the following figure.

Figure 138. Connection Setup for Programming the EPCQ-L Using the AS InterfaceUsing the AS header, the programmer serially transmits the operation commands and configuration bits to the EPCQ-L on DATA0.

When programming the EPCQ-L devices, the download cable disables access to the AS interface by driving the nCE pin high. The nCONFIG line is also pulled low to hold the Arria® 10 device in the reset stage. After programming completes, the download cable releases nCE and nCONFIG, allowing the pull-down and pull-up resistors to drive the pin to GND and VCCPGM , respectively.

During the EPCQ-L programming using the download cable, DATA0 transfers the programming data, operation command, and address information from the download cable into the EPCQ-L. During the EPCQ-L verification using the download cable, DATA1 transfers the programming data back to the download cable.

Multiple Configuration Devices Support

You are unable to select the number of configuration devices. Based on the configuration device you selected in Convert Programming File tool, the Quartus® Prime software indicates the number of configuration devices required to fit the configuration file generated. The following examples explain the multiple flash support:

Table 96.  Example of Multiple Configuration Devices Requirements
  • Only identical configuration devices are supported for the multiple configuration devices feature.
  • Multiple configuration device feature supports up to 3 devices only.
Configuration Device Selected Configuration Data Size Configuration Device Required
EPCQ-L256 Larger than 256 Mbit and smaller than 512 MBit 2
EPCQ-L256 Larger than 512 Mbit and smaller than 768 MBit 3
Note: The Quartus® Prime Convert Programming File tool creates a .jic file based on the setting you set. Configuration will fail if the wrong configuration device type selected in the Convert Programming File tool. However, configuration will work if the configuration devices on your board are more than to the configuration devices required by the generated configuration file.

The Quartus® Prime programmer sees multiple configuration devices as a big storage unit. It spans across the flash boundary automatically when the content to be stored exceeds a particular flash capacity.

For example, in Table 96, only a single JIC file will be generated. For RPD file generation, multiple RPD files will be generated because the RPD files is programmed directly to the flash with other tools, such as third-party programmer. You must manage the RPD files and determine the right RPD to be programmed into each flash.