Arria® 10 Core Fabric and General Purpose I/Os Handbook

ID 683461
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins

The standard I/O voltage for Arria® 10 devices is 1.8 V. The drive strength setting for dedicated configuration I/O are hardwired. The default drive strength for dual function configuration I/O pins during configuration is 1.8V at 50 Ω. When you enable the configuration pins, the Quartus® Prime software sets the CVP_CONF_DONE pin to a drive strength of 1.8 V CMOS 4 mA, and the INIT_DONE and CRC_ERROR pins to a drive strength of 1.8 V CMOS 8 mA.

Table 100.  I/O Standards and Drive Strength for Configuration Pins
Configuration Pin Input/Output/Bidir Drive Strength


Slew Rate


I/O Standard
TDI Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
TCK Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
TMS Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
TRST Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
TDO Output 12   1.8V LVCMOS
AS_DATA[0]/ASDO Bidir 24 35 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
AS_DATA[3:1] Bidir 2435 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
DCLK Bidir 2435 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
MSEL[2:0] Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
nCE Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
nCONFIG Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
nIO_PULLUP Input 1.8V schmitt trigger
nSTATUS Bidir 4 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
CONF_DONE Bidir 4 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
INIT_DONE Bidir 8 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
nCSO[2:0] Output 12 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
DATA[31:0] Input 1.8V LVCMOS
CRC_ERROR Bidir 8 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
CvP_CONFDONE Bidir 4 1 (Fast) 1.8V LVCMOS
35 24 mA drive strength IBIS model is not available for I/O simulation. Altera recommends to use 12 mA drive strength IBIS model as a replacement.