4.6.1. Transmitter Signals
Signal | Width | Direction | Description |
Clocks and Resets | |||
pll_ref_clk | 1 |
Input |
Transceiver reference clock signal. The reference clock selection depends on the FPGA device family and data rate. This signal is only applicable for Arria® V, Cyclone® V, and Stratix® V devices. |
txlink_clk | 1 |
Input |
TX link clock signal. This clock is equal to the TX data rate divided by 40. For Subclass 1, you cannot use the output of txphy_clk signal as txlink_clk signal . To sample SYSREF correctly, the core PLL must provide the txlink_clk signal and must be configured as normal operating mode. |
txlink_rst_n_reset_n | 1 |
Input |
Reset for the TX link clock signal. This reset is an active low signal. |
txphy_clk[] | L |
Output |
TX parallel clock output for the TX transceiver with PCS option in Hard PCS or Soft PCS mode. This clock has the same frequency as txlink_clk signal. For PCS option in PMA Direct mode, this clock is half the frequency of txlink_clk signal. This clock is output as an optional port for user if the txlink_clk and txframe_clk signals are operating at the same frequency in Subclass 0 operating mode. |
tx_digitalreset[] 30 | L |
Input |
Reset for the transceiver PCS block. This reset is an active high signal.
Note: This signal is not applicable for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
tx_digitalreset_stat[] | L | Output | TX PCS digital reset status port connected to the transceiver reset controller. This signal is applicable only for Stratix® 10 L-tile and H-tile devices. |
tx_analogreset[] 30 | L |
Input |
Reset for the transceiver PMA block. This reset is an active high signal.
Note: This signal is not applicable for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
tx_analogreset_stat[] | L | Output | TX PMA analog reset status port connected to the transceiver reset controller.
Note: This signal is applicable only for Stratix® 10 L-tile and H-tile devices.
pll_locked[] 30 | L | Output |
This is the PLL locked output signal for the hard transceiver of the Arria® V, Cyclone® V, and Stratix® V devices. This signal is asserted to indicate that the TX transceiver PLL is locked. |
Input | This is the input signal for the Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices.
Note: This signal is not applicable for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
tx_cal_busy[] 30 | L |
Output |
TX calibration in progress signal. This signal is asserted to indicate that the TX transceiver calibration is in progress.
Note: This signal is not applicable for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
pll_powerdown[] 30 |
Input |
TX transceiver PLL power down signal. This signal is only applicable for Arria® V, Cyclone® V, and Stratix® V devices. |
tx_bonding_clocks (Single Channel) tx_bonding_clocks_ch<0..L-1>[] (Multiple Channels) |
6 | Input |
The transceiver PLL bonding clocks. The transceiver PLL generation provides these clocks. This signal is only available if you select Bonded mode for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 L-tile and H-tile devices.
Note: This signal is not applicable for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
tx_serial_clk0 (Single Channel) tx_serial_clk0_ch<0..L-1> (Multiple Channels) |
1 | Input |
The transceiver PLL serial clock. This is the serializer clock in the PMA. The transceiver PLL generation provides these clocks. This signal is only available if you select Non-bonded mode for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 L-tile and H-tile devices.
Note: This signal is not applicable for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
Signal |
Width |
Direction | Description |
Transceiver Interface | |||
tx_serial_data[] | L |
Output |
Differential high-speed serial output data. The clock is embedded in the serial data stream. |
tx_serial_data_n | L |
Output |
Differential high-speed serial output data. The clock is embedded in the serial data stream. You don't need to connect this signal at the top-level pinout for proper compilation.
Note: This signal is applicable only for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
reconfig_to_xcvr[] |
Input |
Reconfiguration signals from the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP core to the PHY device. This signal is only applicable for Arria® V, Cyclone® V, and Stratix® V devices. You must connect these signals to the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP core regardless of whether run-time reconfiguration is enabled or disabled. The Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP core also supports various calibration function during transceiver power up. |
reconfig_from_xcvr[] |
Output |
Reconfiguration signals to the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP core. This signal is only applicable for Arria® V, Cyclone® V, and Stratix® V devices. You must connect these signals to the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP core regardless of whether run-time reconfiguration is enabled or disabled. The Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP core also supports various calibration function during transceiver power up. |
reconfig_clk reconfig_clk[] reconfig_clk_ch<0..L-1> |
Input |
The Avalon® memory-mapped clock input. The frequency range is 100–125 MHz. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
reconfig_reset reconfig_reset[] reconfig_reset_ch<0..L-1> |
Input |
Reset signal for the Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller IP core. This signal is active high and level sensitive. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
reconfig_avmm_address[] reconfig_avmm_address_ch<0..L-1>[] |
Arria® 10
Stratix® 10
Input |
The Avalon® memory-mapped address. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
reconfig_avmm_writedata[] reconfig_avmm_writedata_ch<0..L-1>[] |
For all devices except Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile.
For Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
Input |
The input data. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
reconfig_avmm_readdata[] reconfig_avmm_readdata_ch<0..L-1>[] |
For all devices except Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile.
For Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
Output |
The output data. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
reconfig_avmm_write reconfig_avmm_write[] reconfig_avmm_write_ch<0..L-1> |
Input |
Write signal. This signal is active high. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
reconfig_avmm_read reconfig_avmm_read[] reconfig_avmm_read_ch<0..L-1> |
Input |
Read signal. This signal is active high. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
reconfig_avmm_waitrequest reconfig_avmm_waitrequest[] reconfig_avmm_waitrequest_ch<0..L-1> |
Output |
Wait request signal. This signal is only available if you enable dynamic reconfiguration for Arria® 10, Cyclone® 10 GX, and Stratix® 10 devices. |
phy_tx_ready | L | Output | Signal to indicate the transceiver TX is ready.
Note: This signal is applicable only for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
phy_tx_pma_ready | L | Output | Signal to indicate the transceiver TX PMA is ready. This signal must be asserted before you assert or deassert any TX resets.
Note: This signal is applicable only for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
phy_tx_rst_n | 1 | Input | Active-high hard reset signal that resets the transceiver TX interface. Asserting this signal does not reset the transceiver PMA. Refer to the E-tile Transceiver PHY User Guide about how to reset PMA through the Avalon® memory-mapped reconfiguration interface.
Note: This signal is applicable only for Agilex™ 7 and Stratix® 10 E-tile devices.
Signal |
Width |
Direction |
Description |
Avalon® Streaming Interface | |||
jesd204_tx_link_data[] | L*32 |
Input |
Indicates a 32-bit user data at txlink_clk clock rate, where four octets are packed into a 32-bit data width per lane. The data format is big endian. The first octet is located at bit[31:24], followed by bit[23:16], bit[15:8], and the last octet is bit[7:0]. Lane 0 data is always located in the lower 32-bit data. If more than one lane is instantiated, lane 1 is located at bit[63:32], with the first octet position at bit[63:56]. |
jesd204_tx_link_valid | 1 |
Input |
Indicates whether the data from the transport layer is valid or invalid. The Avalon® streaming sink interface in the TX core cannot be backpressured and assumes that data is always valid on every cycle when the jesd204_tx_link_ready signal is asserted.
jesd204_tx_link_ready | 1 |
Output |
Indicates that the Avalon® streaming sink interface in the TX core is ready to accept data. The Avalon® streaming sink interface asserts this signal on the JESD204B link state of USER_DATA phase. The ready latency is 0. |
jesd204_tx_frame_ready | 1 |
Output |
Indicates that the Avalon® streaming sink interface in the transport layer is ready to accept data. The Avalon® streaming sink interface asserts this signal on the JESD204B link state of ILAS 4th multiframe and also the USER_DATA phase. The ready latency is 0. |
Signal |
Width |
Direction |
Description |
Avalon® Memory-Mapped Interface | |||
jesd204_tx_avs_clk | 1 |
Input |
The Avalon® memory-mapped interface clock signal. This clock is asynchronous to all the functional clocks in the JESD204B IP core. The JESD204B IP core can handle any cross clock ratio and therefore the clock frequency can range from 75 MHz to 125 MHz. |
jesd204_tx_avs_rst_n | 1 |
Input |
This reset is associated with the jesd204_tx_avs_clk signal. This reset is an active low signal. You can assert this reset signal asynchronously but must deassert it synchronously to the jesd204_tx_avs_clk signal. After you deassert this signal, the CPU can configure the CSRs. |
jesd204_tx_avs_chipselect | 1 |
Input |
When this signal is present, the slave port ignores all Avalon® memory-mapped signals unless this signal is asserted. This signal must be used in combination with read or write. If the Avalon® memory-mapped bus does not support chip select, you are recommended to tie this port to 1. |
jesd204_tx_avs_address[] | 8 |
Input |
For Avalon® memory-mapped slave, the interconnect translates the byte address into a word address in the address space so that each slave access is for a word of data. For example, address = 0 selects the first word of the slave and address = 1 selects the second word of the slave. |
jesd204_tx_avs_writedata[] | 32 |
Input |
32-bit data for write transfers. The width of this signal and the jesd204_tx_avs_readdata[31:0] signal must be the same if both signals are present |
jesd204_tx_avs_read | 1 |
Input |
This signal is asserted to indicate a read transfer. This is an active high signal and requires the jesd204_tx_avs_readdata[31:0] signal to be in use. |
jesd204_tx_avs_write | 1 |
Input |
This signal is asserted to indicate a write transfer. This is an active high signal and requires the jesd204_tx_avs_writedata[31:0] signal to be in use. |
jesd204_tx_avs_readdata[] | 32 |
Output |
32-bit data driven from the Avalon® memory-mapped slave to master in response to a read transfer. |
jesd204_tx_avs_waitrequest | 1 |
Output |
This signal is asserted by the Avalon® memory-mapped slave to indicate that it is unable to respond to a read or write request. The JESD204B IP core ties this signal to 0 to return the data in the access cycle. |
Signal |
Width |
Direction |
Description |
JESD204 Interface | |||
sysref | 1 |
Input |
SYSREF signal for JESD204B Subclass 1 implementation. For Subclass 0 and Subclass 2 mode, tie-off this signal to 0. |
sync_n | 1 |
Input |
Indicates SYNC_N from the converter device or receiver. This is an active low signal and is asserted 0 to indicate a synchronization request or error reporting from the converter device. To indicate a synchronization request, the converter device must assert this signal for at least five frames and nine octets. To indicate an error reporting, the converter device must ensure that the pulse is at least one cycle of the txlink_clk signal or two cycles of the txframe_clk signal (whichever period is longer). |
dev_sync_n | 1 |
Output |
Indicates a clean synchronization request. This is an active low signal and is asserted 0 to indicate a synchronization request only. The sync_n signal error reporting is being masked out of this signal. This signal is also asserted during software-initiated synchronization. |
mdev_sync_n | 1 |
Input |
Indicates a multidevice synchronization request. Synchronize signal combination should be done externally and then input to the JESD204B IP core through this signal.
In a single link instance where multidevice synchronization is not needed, tie the dev_sync_n signal to this signal. |
somf[] | 4 | Output | Indicates a start of multiframe.
Signal |
Width |
Direction |
Description |
CSR | |||
jesd204_tx_frame_error | 1 |
Input |
Optional signal to indicate an empty data stream due to invalid data. This signal is asserted high to indicate an error during data transfer from the transport layer to the TX core. |
csr_l[] | 5 |
Output |
Indicates the number of active lanes for the link. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_f[] | 8 |
Output |
Indicates the number of octets per frame. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_k[] | 5 |
Output |
Indicates the number of frames per multiframe. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_m[] | 8 |
Output |
Indicates the number of converters for the link. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_cs[] | 2 |
Output |
Indicates the number of control bits per sample. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_n[] | 5 |
Output |
Indicates the converter resolution. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_np[] | 5 |
Output |
Indicates the total number of bits per sample. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_s[] | 5 |
Output |
Indicates the number of samples per converter per frame cycle. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_hd | 1 |
Output |
Indicates the high density data format. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_cf[] | 5 |
Output |
Indicates the number of control words per frame clock period per link. The transport layer can use this signal as a run-time parameter. |
csr_lane_powerdown[] | L |
Output |
Indicates which lane is powered down. You need to set this signal if you have configured the link and want to reduce the number of active lanes. |
Signal |
Width |
Direction |
Description |
Out-of-band (OOB) | |||
jesd204_tx_int | 1 |
Output |
Interrupt pin for the JESD204B IP core. Interrupt is asserted when any error or synchronization request is detected. Configure the tx_err_enable register to set the type of error that can trigger an interrupt. |
Signal |
Width |
Direction |
Description |
Debug or Testing | |||
jesd204_tx_dlb_data[] | L*32 |
Output |
Optional signal for parallel data from the DLL in TX to RX loopback testing. 31 |
jesd204_tx_dlb_kchar_data[] | L*4 |
Output |
Optional signal to indicate the K character value for each byte in TX to RX loopback testing. 31 |
csr_tx_testmode[] | 4 |
Output |
Indicates the test mode for the JESD204B IP core and the test pattern for the test pattern generator in the design example.
Note: The test pattern generator is a component of the design example and is not a part of the JESD204B IP core.
Refer to the tx_test register in the register map. |
csr_tx_testpattern_a[] | 32 | Output | A 32-bit fixed data pattern for testing purpose, such as short transport layer test pattern. You can configure the fixed data pattern through the TX register user_test_pattern_a (offset 0xD4) 32 |
csr_tx_testpattern_b[] | 32 | Output | A 32-bit fixed data pattern for testing purpose, such as short transport layer test pattern. You can configure the fixed data pattern through the TX register user_test_pattern_b (offset 0xD8) 32 |
csr_tx_testpattern_c[] | 32 | Output | A 32-bit fixed data pattern for testing purpose, such as short transport layer test pattern. You can configure the fixed data pattern through the TX register user_test_pattern_c (offset 0xDC) 32 |
csr_tx_testpattern_d[] | 32 | Output | A 32-bit fixed data pattern for testing purpose, such as short transport layer test pattern. You can configure the fixed data pattern through the TX register user_test_pattern_d (offset 0xE0) 32 |