High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2) Interface Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683379
Date 4/13/2020
Document Table of Contents

2.7. Regenerating the High Bandwidth Memory (HBM2) Interface Intel FPGA IP Design Example After Modification

If you modify the IP variation files or Platform Designer files in the post-generation synthesis folder, you can let the Intel® Quartus® Prime software regenerate the design example files through the integrated IP regeneration process during the Intel® Quartus® Prime compilation. Alternatively, you can use the design example's pregeneration files to view, modify, generate, or regenerate the design example files. The design example's pregeneration scripts are generated when you click the Generate Example Design button in the IP Parameter Editor Pro window. The pregeneration scripts are generated regardless of whether you select the Simulation or Synthesis checkbox.
To generate or regenerate the synthesis or simulation file sets, run one of the following scripts:
  • To create a project for compilation, run the quartus_sh -t make_qii_design.tcl script in the destination directory.
  • To create a project for simulation, run the quartus_sh -t make_sim_design.tcl script in the destination directory.