AN 822: Intel® FPGA Configuration Device Migration Guideline

ID 683340
Date 4/29/2020
Document Table of Contents

1.5. Migration Method from EPCQ to EPCQ-A for Arria® V, Cyclone® V, and Stratix® V Devices

Note: If you are using a Cyclone® V device and you intend to migrate to a faster configuration device or flash device, Intel® recommends you to use the Cyclone® V QS device. The Cyclone® V QS device has an improved specification with lower t DH requirement compared to a non- Cyclone® V QS device. For more details about the AS timing specifications for the Cyclone® V QS device, refer to the Cyclone® V Device Datasheet. To improve the AS configuration timing to meet tDSU and tDH of the Cyclone® V QS device or non- Cyclone® V QS device, refer to the board design guidelines.