Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Compilation

ID 683236
Date 9/30/2024
Document Table of Contents SDC-on RTL Example: Targeting Pins in Cells

When constraining your design, you might need to target cell pins to apply constraints. In such scenarios, you can use the get_pins Tcl command and RTL names to locate specific cell pins, such as clk or d inputs and q outputs. For example:

get_pins U5|reg_a[0]|clk
get_pins U5|reg_a[0]|d
get_pins U7|rega_a[0][0]|q
Figure 133. Targeting Pins in Cells Diagram

These Tcl commands return specific pins of the reg_a[0] register in the U5 instance. You can use the returned collection to constrain paths. For example, from U5|reg_a[0] to U7|rega_a[0][0] as follows:

set_false_path -from [get_pins U5|reg_a[0]|clk] -to [get_pins U7|rega_a[0][0]|d]