DisplayPort Arria® 10 FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683050
Date 4/29/2024
Document Table of Contents

2. DisplayPort Design Examples

The DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Parallel Loopback design examples demonstrates parallel loopback from DisplayPort RX instance to DisplayPort TX instance with or without a Pixel Clock Recovery (PCR) module.

The DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP TX-only design example demonstrates the DisplayPort source transmitting a fixed video resolution.

The DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP RX-only design example demonstrates the DisplayPort Sink receiving video frame from external sources.

Table 5.   DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Design Example for Arria® 10 Devices
Design Example Designation Data Rate Channel Mode Loopback Type
DisplayPort SST TX-only DisplayPort SST HBR3, HBR2, HBR, RBR Simplex
DisplayPort SST RX-only DisplayPort SST HBR3, HBR2, HBR, RBR Simplex
DisplayPort SST parallel loopback with PCR DisplayPort SST HBR3, HBR2, HBR, RBR Simplex Parallel with PCR
DisplayPort SST parallel loopback without PCR DisplayPort SST HBR3, HBR2, HBR, RBR Simplex Parallel without PCR
DisplayPort MST parallel loopback with PCR DisplayPort MST HBR3, HBR2, HBR, RBR Simplex Parallel with PCR
DisplayPort MST parallel loopback without PCR DisplayPort MST HBR3, HBR2, HBR, RBR Simplex Parallel without PCR
Note: DisplayPort SST parallel loopback without PCR design example and support for HBR3 are available only in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software.