Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-35305884-74C3-44A0-AEC9-DB3C89057F31
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-35305884-74C3-44A0-AEC9-DB3C89057F31
Nonlinear Least Squares Problem with Linear (Bound) Constraints
The nonlinear least squares problem with linear bound constraints is very similar to the nonlinear least squares problem without constraints but it has the following constraints:

See usage examples in the examples\f\nonlinear_solvers folderof your Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library directory. Specifically, see ex_nlsqp_bc_f.f .
Routine Name |
Operation |
Initializes the solver. |
Checks correctness of the input parameters. |
Solves a nonlinear least squares problem using RCI and the Trust-Region algorithm. |
Retrieves the number of iterations, stop criterion, initial residual, and final residual. |
Releases allocated data. |